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  1. The free-body diagrams for block B and for the knot just above block A are shown below. $$\vec{T_1}$$ is the tension force of the rope pulling on block B or pulling on the knot (as the case maybe), $$\vec{T_2}$$ is the tension force exerted by the second rope (at angle $$\theta = 30^\circ$$) on the knot, $$\vec f$$ is the force of static friction exerted by the horizontal surface on block B ...

  2. Two identical blocks A and B, each of mass 2 kg are connected by a spring. Block A is pulled by a force of 8 N as shown in figure. If aceleration of block B is 1 m s − 2 towards left, then acceleration of block A is

  3. Two blocks A and B of masses 1 kg each, are lying on a smooth horizontal surface. A spring of force constant k = 200 N/m is fixed at one end of the block A. Block B collides with block A with an initial velocity of v = 2.0 m/s. Find the maximum compression in the spring.

  4. A 2 k g block is placed over a 4 k g block and both are placed on a smooth horizontal surface. The coefficient of friction between the blocks is 0 − 20. Find the acceleration of the two blocks if a horizontal force of 12 N is applied to (a) the upper block, (b) the lower block. Take g = 10 m / s 2.

  5. If the block B moves towards right with acceleration b, then the net acceleration of block A is. If the blocks A and B are moving towards each other acceleration a and b as shown in the figure. Find the net acceleration of block C.

  6. Block B moves to the right with a constant velocity v 0. Assuming the pulleys and the surface to be smooth and the string to be inextensible, the velocity of block A relative to block B is View Solution

  7. A 2 k g block is kept on a 1 k g block as shown in the figure. The friction between 1 k g block and fixed surface is absent and the coefficient of friction between 2 k g, block and 1 k g block is μ = 0.1. A constant horizontal force F = 4 N is applied on 1 k g block. If the work done by the friction on 1 k g block in 2 s is − X j o u l e s ...

  8. Block A of mass 2 k g is placed over a block B of mass 8 k g. The combination is placed on a rough horizontal surface. If g = 10 m s − 2, coefficient of friction between B and floor = 0.5, coefficient of friction between A and B = 0.4 and a horizontal force of 10 N is applied on 8 k g block, then the force of friction between A and B is,

  9. A $$3.5$$ kg block is pushed along a horizontal floor by a force of magnitude $$15$$ N at an angle $$403$$ with the horizontal (Fig.). The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the floor is $$0.25$$. Calculate the magnitudes of (a) the frictional force on the block from the floor and (b) the blocks acceleration.

  10. Find its velocity after 10 s. A prticle of mass m moves with velocity v0 = 20 m/s towards a large wall that is moving with velocity v =5 m/s towards the particle as shown. If the particle collides with the wall elastically, then find the speed of the particle just after collision. (Assume collision with the wall is elastic) In the figure shown ...

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