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  2. Diction is a writer's unique style of expression, especially his or her choice and arrangement of words. A writer's vocabulary, use of language to produce a specific tone or atmosphere, and ability to communicate clearly with the reader are all essential parts of diction.

  3. Diction is a literary device that allows a writer to carefully choose words and vocabulary to communicate to the reader as well as establish a specific voice or writing style. Diction is used in every form of writing, from poetic and figurative language to formal and concise wording.

  4. Definition and a list of examples of diction. Diction is the choice of words and style of expression that an author makes and uses in a work of literature.

    • Formal diction. Formal diction uses the proper definitions of words in a mostly serious tone. This is the style of workplaces, schools, and other formal environments.
    • Informal diction. Informal diction is the opposite of formal diction; it involves the playful use of words, including jokes and wordplay. Informal diction is the way you talk to the people closest to you, as opposed to strangers or work colleagues.
    • Pedantic diction. Pedantic diction uses an excessive amount of academic or “big” words, as if the speaker is trying to prove how smart they are. Pedantic diction comes across as arrogant in real life, but it’s nonetheless useful as a writing tool.
    • Pedestrian diction. Pedestrian diction is considered the opposite of pedantic; instead of trying to sound smart, it’s trying to sound normal or common.
  5. Clear definition and great examples of Diction. This article will show you the importance of Diction and how to use it. Diction refers to word choice and phrasing in any written or spoken text.

  6. Diction refers to a writer or speaker's word choice. Learn 3 methods to evaluate the appropriateness of your diction or the diction of others: Level of Formality, Level of Abstraction, and Connotation and Denotation.

  7. May 29, 2021 · Diction can be used to create complex and realistic characters. For example, a native speaker would probably rely on different aphorisms or cliches than a non-native English speaker would. Someone trying to hide a regional accent is more likely to avoid saying certain phrases.

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