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  1. As has been said before on this sub, S8 had new showrunners and they hated Jackie and the Jackie/Hyde relationship. So they laid waste to it and essentially pretended it never happened.

  2. Season 8 never happened. The show ended at 7 for me. The new writers completely fucked up with what they did with Hyde and Jackie, adding Randy, Kelso and Eric leaving etc. The way I see it, season 8 isn't canon as it wasn't what the original writers intended and therefore doesn't exist in my eyes.

    • Overview
    • About
    • Timeline
    • Tolerance
    • Friendship
    • First date
    • Romance
    • Separate ways
    • Aftermath

    Jackie & Hyde is a relationship on the FOX comedy That '70s Show, portrayed by Mila Kunis and Danny Masterson.

    Zenmasters is the pairing between Jackie Burkhart and Steven Hyde, named after Hyde's lessons to Jackie about how to be Zen in "Cat Fight Club". Their numerous fans call themselves "Zennies" and have since the original airing of "Cat Fight Club". Theirs is arguably the most popular ship from the show.

    Discussions about them thrive on social media sites such as and on message boards like, generating thousands of likes and reblogs as well as hundreds of thread topics through the years.

    New Jackie and Hyde fan fiction continue to be posted on, and the pairing has over 2,000 stories and counting on the site. There are also stories on other sites like and, among others.

    Part of the reason why these discussions and fanfictions are so popular is because of the horrible way in which their relationship was treated in season 8 and the disappointment in the fact that they did not end up together.

    The relationship can be split into six different parts.



    3.First date


    5.Separate ways

    Jackie and Hyde's relationship before the episode "Kiss of Death" ranges from mutual annoyance to compassion. Hyde often urges his friend Michael Kelso to break up with Jackie, but he also doesn't approve of Kelso's bad behavior toward her (e.g., abandoning Jackie to danger in Halloween and cheating on her with Eric Forman's sister, Laurie).

    On the surface, Jackie and Hyde act disdainful of each other. She is "shallow and rich and mean and bossy... everything that [he] hate[s]" (Jackie Bags Hyde). Hyde, meanwhile, is "scruffy" and "poor". Subtextually, though, their behavior tells another story. Hyde seems to relish his connection to Jackie, however negative, and Jackie repeatedly shows trust in Hyde when she's upset.

    Ski Trip

    •Jackie goes to Hyde for comfort about Kelso. She sits almost in his lap, and he holds her while she cries.

    Prom Night

    •Jackie, heartbroken about not being able to go to the junior prom, asks Hyde to take her.

    Once Jackie catches Kelso cheating on her with Laurie, Jackie seeks comfort and companionship in Hyde. His objections are weak at best, and he spends time with her. He even goes to far as to teach her an emotional-distancing technique of his, something he calls "Zen," so that she won't succumb to Laurie's taunts. Hyde's protective feelings toward Jackie come out fully during this period. Hyde defends and protects her against Laurie.

    After Cat Fight Club, Jackie becomes infatuated with Hyde and hero-worships him. She also becomes hungry for his attention, something he does not want to give her; but he in spite of himself, he develops romantic feelings for her ("Jackie Bags Hyde"). He only fully realizes this after they have their first real kiss. Jackie, however, has a different response to their kiss. Although she admits the kiss "was hot," she also says she "didn't feel anything". Hyde echoes this sentiment, but his body language and previous dialogue reveal the truth.

    Kiss Of Death

    •Jackie finally discovers that Kelso has been cheating on her with Laurie. She breaks up with him and runs into Hyde's arms, crying, "Hyde!"

    Kelso's Serenade

    •Jackie asks Hyde if he would miss her if she was gone from the basement. Hyde answers uncomfortably. He tries to say something sympathetic about her breakup with Kelso and has trouble. He mumbles that it's important to have friends' support.

    Jackie invites Hyde to go to Mr. Forman's Veteran's Day barbecue with her, but he rejects her. She doesn't absorb the rejection, however, or the one following. At his wits' end, Hyde composes a haiku for her on the spot to "explain [his] feelings" to her. This, she understands and becomes dejected. Jackie asks Donna why Hyde "had to hurt me like that". Donna explains that Jackie's been "stalking" Hyde and that she is to Hyde what Fez is to her. Finally, Jackie realizes the depth of Hyde's rejection, and she says, "Oh, God, Steven and I will never happen. ... I wish my daddy could buy him for me."

    Jackie brings a date (Chip) to the Formans' barbecue to make Hyde jealous. He reacts Zen, which Jackie sees through, thanks to her lessons in "Cat Fight Club". His aloofness is clearly an act, and he seems unhappy Jackie has brought a date. Hyde takes it upon himself to question Chip. Chip says listening to all of Jackie's "talking" is "worth it if [he] can nail her." Hyde doesn't like this answer and says, "You should probably think about that, man. Jackie's kinda young. She's only had, like, one boyfriend so..." In response to Hyde's warning, Chip says, "Hey, that's not a big surprise. You know, she's a bitch." Hyde likes this answer even less and says with a sigh, "Oh, no," before slugging Chip in the jaw. Chip falls unconscious. Jackie runs to the scene and asks Hyde what happened. Hyde is barely coherent when he answers, unsure of what happened himself, but Jackie puzzles it together and says, "[Chip] called me a bitch, and you hit him!" Hyde tries to deny it, saying, "No," but Jackie says, "Liar. I am the bitch, and you love me!"

    Jackie begins to idealize Hyde even further and sees him clad in shining armor and sitting on a horse. Hyde says, "Stop staring at me. Quit it! I'm not this guy. Oh, God." Hyde enters the Foremans' kitchen angrily. Kitty Forman asks Hyde if his "girlfriend" is okay. Hyde says Jackie isn't his girlfriend, that she's everything he hates, and Mrs. Forman argues that Hyde has feelings for her. Hyde, wanting to find out the truth of his feelings, invites Jackie on a "freakin' date". Jackie and Hyde go to the hills of Mt. Hump. They sit variously on the hood and trunk of her father's Lincoln. After thirty minutes of not talking, Jackie claims "This is the best date ever." Jackie says Hyde doesn't have to say anything because she understands him. She says Hyde is "wondering, 'How can I open up to her [Jackie] when everyone I have ever loved have abandoned me? Am I even worthy of love?'" Then she says, "Well, you are, Steve. You are."

    Hyde responds to Jackie's sentiment by blowing a raspberry at her. She hops off the car and tells him to take her home, but he doesn't want the date to end yet. He invites her back to the car, offers her his soda, and she puts his arm around her shoulders. During the course of the date, Hyde gives Jackie his denim jacket. Toward the end of their date, Jackie asks Hyde what he thought of it. He says, "It was no worse than bowling... I don't hate bowling." Jackie and Hyde kiss deeply. Afterward, Jackie claims she "didn't feel anything," and Hyde seems surprised. He says, "Nothing?" She says the kiss was hot then asks him if he felt anything. He hesitates, says no, then he almost recants it by saying, "Well..." then he reaffirms his no. Jackie looks down sadly, and Hyde touches his fingers to his lips and rubs them, clearly having felt a lot more than "nothing". Though this could've just been the actor's body language. Hyde makes a joke to ease the awkwardness, as Jackie laughs it off and tells him to take her home.

    After their unsuccessful date, Jackie and Hyde's relationship is treated by season 3 and season 4's storylines, with rare exception, as if it never existed. The characters' interaction with each other is limited, and neither of them mentions their kiss to anyone. Certain scripted scenes and unscripted moments between Jackie and Hyde, however, have created a "Zennie" subtext that link the two main halves of the relationship. Despite that, Jackie still calls him by his first name unlike season 1. Jackie and Hyde seem to have a physical closeness none of their friends (except maybe Fez) notice. Hyde still demonstrates a protectiveness over her and celebrates her burns of other people, and he tries to make Jackie and Kelso fight (to win a bet).

    Fez Dates Donna

    Jackie and Hyde start a romantic relationship in season 5. It started when they were watching T.V in the basement, before they stared at each other and kissed. It was awkward at first but ultimately led to them making out.

    The two continued this fling, whenever they were alone but were caught by Kitty who couldn't confront them because of her son's actions.

    Hyde and Jackie were eventually found out by Eric and Donna, who told a surprised Fez about them. Despite Eric and Donna's disapproval, both Jackie and Hyde are determined to be together. They go through various growing pains with each other, both learning how to be better people individually and in a couple.

    For example, Jackie teaches Hyde that love goes beyond arguments and anger ("Misty Mountain Hop"), and Hyde gives Jackie a safe place to be vulnerable ("Bring It on Home").

    Also, Hyde puts Jackie's feelings above his own. When he has trouble comforting Jackie properly about her father's imprisonment ("Black Dog"), he doesn't give up. He tries more than once to do so verbally and asks others for advice (e.g., the Formans, Eric and Donna). Eventually, he shaves off his beard for her, something he refused to do earlier in the episode, and it cheers her up. He "let the razor say the words [he] couldn't speak."

    Kelso tries numerous times to break Jackie and Hyde up, but his attempts fail until "Your Time Is Gonna Come"". Upon seeing Kelso making out with another girl, Jackie shouts, "Get off my boyfriend!" Hyde breaks up with her over this, but Jackie wins him back by finally telling him she loves him -- and without expecting to hear it in return ("Babe I'm Gonna Leave You"".)

    Season 5 established that Jackie and Hyde’s relationship had a growth-and-change effect on both of them. Several episodes of season 6 re-confirmed this effect they had on each other. Season 7, however, robbed them of that growth, reverting Jackie back to her previously discarded marriage-and-money-obsessed ways — and turning Hyde into someone who seemed to forget his deep (and hard-fought) love for her.

    Until the episode "Winter" it’s clear that Jackie and Hyde are still very much in sync and in love, In "Let's Spend the Night Together," we witness how truly supportive Jackie is of Hyde and that she has a significant influence on his behavior. In the beginning of the episode, we learn that she continually pushed for him to “call [his] father”. Hyde, as usual, deflects by saying he agreed only to make Jackie “shut the hell up,” but he wouldn’t have given in unless he trusted her judgement.

    They’re also very physically (not sexually) affectionate in this episode. Jackie not only sits on Hyde’s lap, but their fingers are entwined for a good part of it. Before W.B. arrives at the Formans’, Jackie and Hyde sit next to each other on the living room couch. He’s looking at his framed birth certificate, and she essentially hugs his arm and puts her chin on his shoulder while looking at the certificate, too. He seems very comfortable with their physical closeness in this scene. Then, when he’s talking to W.B., Hyde sits next to Jackie on the organ bench with his hand on her knee and her hands clasped over his arm.

    After W.B. implies Hyde is after his money and Hyde storms out, Jackie is very protective of him. She tells W.B. that he’s “wrong about Steven” and that Steven is “perfect”.

    Later, it's Jackie whom Hyde goes to about his feelings. It’s clear they were discussing what had happened with W.B. Jackie, again, defends Steven — albeit in a humorously narcissistic manner: “I’m just so mad at that William Barnett. I mean, thinking you wanted something from him. Everyone knows I’m all you’ve ever desired.” Her statement can be taken as both egocentricity and a touch of insecurity. Hyde’s focus isn’t on her at the moment but on the situation with W.B. She might have wanted a little assurance that despite the potential of a new relationship with his father, Hyde wouldn’t neglect her.

    Jackie tries to comfort Hyde by bringing her relationship to her own father into the discussion. She says, “Well, who need’s a father anyway? You know what? I’ve been doing just fine since my dad disappeared into the jungle to bring freedom to the grateful natives.” Yes, she created a fantasy story rather than stating the truth, that her father’s in prison. But her motive was to make Hyde feel better. Hyde and Jackie’s discussion comes across as somewhat superficial and doesn’t indicate that they have much practice at having deep conversations. Seasons 5 and 6 contradict this depiction.

    The first episode of the 8th and final season “Bohemian Rhapsody” teases the audience into thinking Jackie and Hyde might stay together. Hyde returns home after spending two weeks in Las Vegas. Jackie says, "Steven I am so sorry about what happened in Chicago. I was alone, and I thought I lost you." Hyde says, "Yeah well, I can see why you thought that." Jackie says, "Look, why didn't you tell me sooner you wanted to get married?" Hyde says, "Because I wasn't sure I wanted to. And now that I've thought about it, I'm right, I'm not ready to be married yet."

    Jackie feels hope at Hyde's use of the word "yet" but right afterwards Samantha arrives and claims she is Hyde's wife, who he married during a drunken wedding in Las Vegas. Despite Samantha ending up leaving, due to Hyde marrying a stranger but not showing a willingness to marry Jackie (at least to her face), their relationship ended permanently.

  3. Jackie is worried that Hyde thinks Brooke (Kelso’s new girlfriend) is hot, but she learns to look past that and asks Hyde to get her a magazine and leave behind his ice cream. Hyde obliges in a way that is very similar to Red, showing how similar the two couples are.

    • Eric And Donna Broke Up And Got Back Together. At the conclusion of Season 7, in response to series star Topher Grace wanting to leave the show, his character Eric Foreman was sent to Africa to pursue teaching.
    • Kelso Moved To Chicago. Like Topher Grace, Ashton Kutcher wanted to leave the show by its final season as well but stuck around to appear in four episodes of Season 8 to give his character, Michael Kelso, a proper sendoff.
    • Jackie And Fez Got Together. Although the series is best known for Jackie (Mila Kunis) and Kelso's relationship, she dated Hyde (Danny Masterson) for a long time before they finally broke up ahead of the final season.
    • Where Did Randy Go? Perhaps the most controversial character on That '70s Show was Randy (Josh Meyers), who was the first full-fledged new member the group ever had.
  4. Hyde's father visits Grooves, revealing that the Point Place store is to be left to Hyde, who "celebrates" with Leo and his father. Fez's friend convinces him to return home, since Jackie has rejected him.

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  6. Jun 27, 2022 · Originally introduced as Hyde's absentminded hippie employer, the show bumped Leo up to main cast member status by Season 4. However, Leo later abruptly disappears from "That '70s Show" during...

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