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  1. Spike — Formerly an enemy of the Scoobies, this vampire switched sides after the Initiative implanted a microchip in his brain to prevent him from harming humans. This left him fighting non-humans as the only other alternative left, and ultimately proved himself as a strong asset for the team in their quest for protecting humanity. [52]

  2. Spike had tricked and attacked them over and over again for several years. The audience saw that Spike was genuinely reforming, but to the characters there was no reason to believe he was anymore sincere than when he was pretending to help them while actually dividing them on behalf of Adam.

    • Joss Whedon related to Xander the most. Xander Harris was a central figure in the Scooby Gang, and he certainly had his ups and downs. More often than not, he was a truly loyal and wonderful friend, though there were certainly times where he was a completely selfish and immature jerk.
    • Tara had the lowest kill count of any Scooby. On Buffy, there were a few givens. One was that, if you were in the Scooby Gang, you were probably going to end up killing something or other before your days on the Hellmouth were over.
    • Spike was almost played by a different villain. Some fans love Spike and think he’s the best thing that ever happened to Buffy and the Scooby Gang. Others despise him and don’t think he deserves to be anywhere near the slayer or her friends.
    • Oz was written off the show at Seth Green’s request. Willow’s first boyfriend started helping out the Scooby Gang almost immediately after meeting her, mostly because he seemed pretty nonplussed about the whole “living on a Hellmouth” thing.
  3. Saying Too Much: After his Yoko Factor plan successfully splits up the Scoobies during Season 4, Spike has a subsequent encounter with Buffy and mentions her falling out with her friends; as he wasn't actually there when the Scoobies had their big fight, Buffy puts two-and-two together and realizes that Spike set them up.

  4. Nonetheless, upon the reveal that Spike regained his soul, they eventually begin to rebuild their friendship, with Dawn readily defending Spike when Andrew asked why Buffy was so desperate to save him from the First.

  5. Jan 31, 2020 · However, in Season 5, Spike fell in love with the Slayer and so as a result, he began to help out the Scoobies a lot more in a futile effort to win favor with Buffy. Eventually, though, he began to succeed, and Buffy lowered her defenses.

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  7. Aug 2, 2017 · That’s because James Marsters, the actor who plays Spike, originally auditioned for Joss and Co. using a Texan accent. Marsters knew from the beginning that they had intended for Angel to kill off Spike after 5 episodes. Maybe you don’t mess with Texas, but you also don’t give Texas a recurring role on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

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