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  1. As a papal basilica, Santa Maria Maggiore is often used by the pope. He presides over the rites for the annual Feast of the Assumption of Mary on 15 August there. Except for a few priests and the basilica's archpriest, the canopied high altar is reserved for use by the pope alone.

  2. La papale arcibasilica maggiore arcipretale liberiana di Santa Maria Maggiore, conosciuta semplicemente con il nome di basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore o basilica Liberiana, è una delle quattro basiliche papali di Roma, situata in Piazza dell'Esquilino sulla sommità dell' omonimo colle, sul culmine del Cispio, tra il Rione Monti e l' Esquilino. ...

  3. The interior has a basilica plan with a nave and two aisles, separated by pillars. The walls house fresco remains and paintings of the 14th-15th centuries, including a Pietà attributed to Tiberio d'Assisi and works by Pace di Bartolo .

  4. The Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore is a major church in the upper town of Bergamo, Northern Italy.

  5. La basilique Sainte-Marie-Majeure est un abrégé des grandes étapes de l' art chrétien à Rome, avec son église à plan basilical aux nobles proportions de style paléochrétien, ses mosaïques antiques (nef) et médiévales (abside et façade), et ses imposantes chapelles polychromes de la Contre-Réforme .

  6. Welcome to St Mary Major, the spiritual heart of Christianity and Marian devotion, one of the four Papal Basilicas in Rome. Plan your pilgrimage or visit to the most important and oldest Marian Shrine in the West, a shrine that houses the icon of the Salus Populi Romani and the Sacred Cradle of Jesus.

  7. People also ask

  8. Santa Maria Maggiore, auch Santa Maria della Neve, Santa Maria ad praesepe oder Basilica Liberii ist eine der vier Papstbasiliken Roms im Rang einer Basilica maior und eine der sieben Pilgerkirchen. Sie befindet sich im exterritorialen Besitz des Heiligen Stuhls und liegt im Stadtzentrum Roms unweit des Bahnhofs Roma Termini. Gegenwärtiger ...