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  1. Theresienstadt: A Documentary Film, 1944. In the fall of 1944, Nazi authorities ordered the creation of a propaganda film in Theresienstadt, a ghetto and concentration camp in the German-occupied region of the former Czechoslovakia. 1 The film—a portion of which is featured here—seemed to show Jewish prisoners happy and thriving.

    • Nazi Propaganda

      Key Facts. 1. The Nazis were skilled propagandists who used...

  2. Hermann Göring. Julius Streicher. Joseph Goebbels. Ernst Röhm. First propaganda film directed by Riefenstahl. Recounts the Fifth Party Rally of the Nazi Party, which occurred in Nuremberg from 30 August to 3 September 1933. 8 December 1933. Flüchtlinge. "Refugees".

    Release Date
    Original Title
    English Title
    Running Time
    A Symphony of the Will to Fight
    30 min (ca.)
    The Nuremberg Convention of the NSDAP
    90 min (ca.)
    June 14, 1933
    Storm Trooper Brand
    94 min
    September 19, 1933
    Hitler Youth Quex Our Flag Leads Us ...
    95 min
    • The Role of Filmclick Here to Copy A Link to This Section Link Copied
    • The Role of Newspapersclick Here to Copy A Link to This Section Link Copied
    • Mobilizing The Populationclick Here to Copy A Link to This Section Link Copied

    Films in particular played an important role in disseminating racial antisemitism, the superiority of German military power, and the intrinsic evil of the enemies as defined by Nazi ideology. Nazi films portrayed Jews as "subhuman" creatures infiltrating Aryan society. For example, The Eternal Jew (1940), directed by Fritz Hippler, portrayed Jews a...

    Newspapers in Germany, above all Der Stürmer(The Attacker), printed cartoons that used antisemitic caricatures to depict Jews. After the Germans began World War IIwith the invasion of Polandin September 1939, the Nazi regime employed propaganda to impress upon German civilians and soldiers that the Jews were not only subhuman, but also dangerous en...

    The Nazi regime used propaganda effectively to mobilize the German population to support its wars of conquest until the very end of the regime. Nazi propaganda was likewise essential to motivating those who implemented the mass murder of the European Jews and of other victims of the Nazi regime. It also served to secure the acquiescence of millions...

  3. The Mortal Storm. Frank Borzage. One character is sent to a concentration camp and dies there, while his family is trying to leave Nazi Germany. 1940. United States. The Great Dictator. Charlie Chaplin. A condemnation of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, fascism, antisemitism, and the Nazis.

    • Graham Land
    • Posters. The most striking and memorable examples of the Nazi antisemitic propaganda campaign are seen in the form of posters. Making use of stark imagery and explicit racial messages, this media penetrated all sections of German society, literally painting Jews as outsiders and sinister enemies of ‘ordinary’ Germans.
    • Comics. Nazi propagandists exploited pre-existing stereotypes to falsely portray Jews. This hateful view painted Jews as an ‘alien race’ that fed off the host nation, poisoned its culture, destroyed its economy and enslaved its workers.
    • Articles and essays. Written materials in periodicals and pamphlets took on a more argumentative form, which lent ‘weight’ to the simplistic slogans and caricatures of posters and cartoons.
    • Film. Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels’ projects included antisemitic films such as Jud Süss. The film was based on a popular 1925 historical novel written by Lion Feuchtwanger, a successful author who was in fact Jewish.
  4. Excerpt of well-known propaganda film made by the Nazis to show the International Red Cross and others that they were not mistreating Jews in the "ghettos." Documentary footage depicts the life of Jews in the ghetto of Theresienstadt [Terezin] in Czechoslovakia as harmonious and joyful.

  5. This footage shows Joseph Goebbels, Nazi minister for propaganda and public education, speaking at the September 1935 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg. In the speech, Goebbels--a fanatic antisemite--linked Bolshevism with international Jewry and warned Nazi party members of an alleged international Jewish conspiracy to destroy western civilization.

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