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  1. Dec 29, 2019 · David Rockefeller, whose bank had reaped billions from financial transactions with the shah's regime, was eager to keep him happy after he was deposed by a popular revolt in 1979. Rockefeller and his clubby CIA-Wall Street circle even hoped to repeat its 1953 dark victory and reinstall the shah on his Peacock Throne.

  2. Sep 6, 2024 · 1 .a friend/customer at the bookshop we run had been at DARPA/JPL on high security clearances and later worked for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and claimed knowledge of the family. When asked about David R in regard to the JFKA, he pointedly said he David R was too prissy, precise or bankerly to be involved in assassination.

  3. Sep 6, 2024 · David Rockefeller "For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions.

  4. Oct 16, 2010 · Documents found in the Bloomfield Archives gave us more details on the structure and leadership of Permindex. For instance, they show that Ferenc Nagy was the active leader of Permindex and, in 1960, was making contact with David Rockefeller in order to develop the New York City’s World Trade Center on the model of the CMC.

  5. Jul 25, 2008 · in India mass slaughter in Indonesia, and the Jailing of intellectuals in the Soviet Union" David Rockefeller was the most active American. banker promoting financial ties with South Africa (Thy Will Be Done, pp. 540-541) Amy Goodman might imply that RFK was the same as LBJ. Rockefeller knew they wern't, and funds her, into eternity.

  6. Jul 14, 2005 · Hey Chuck. I'll add to this from Coup In Dallas. "Barnes path was cleared into the CIA was cleared by the man who would become his mentor and who would act as this patron as long as he was in power in the CIA - Allen Dulles. Dulles met then Capitan Barnes in 1944 and was taken with him quickly, writing to his OSS superior David Bruce: " I have met T

  7. Sep 26, 2006 · David McLean Members. View Profile See their activity. Posts 92 Joined September 26, 2006; Last visited 4 ...

  8. May 6, 2015 · In particular JFK got into a verbal battle in LIFE magazine with David Rockefeller. "Was JFK the tool of the Eastern Establishment, or was he its bitterest enemy? Don Gibson challenges the conventional wisdom and asserts, with powerful support from Kennedy's own words and actions-and those of his enemies-that Kennedy was always on the side of economic, political and social progress.

  9. Nov 24, 2006 · On 19th April, Rosalynn Carter wrote in her diary: We can't get away from Iran. Many people - Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Howard Baker, John McCloy, Gerald Ford - all are after Jimmy to bring the shah to the United States, but Jimmy says it's been too long, and anti-American and anti-shah sentiments have escalated so that he doesn't want to.

  10. Sep 20, 2007 · In response to an April 15, 1975, inquiry from David W. Belin, the former Warren Commission assistant counsel who was then the executive director of the Rockefeller Commission on CIA activities, the agency wrote on May 30, 1975, that since Oswald was 'an avid newspaper reader-which we know from the testimony of Marina Oswald and others-' the 'assumption' was that Oswald had 'read the Castro ...

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