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  1. The Battle of Clontarf (Irish: Cath Chluain Tarbh) took place on 23 April 1014 at Clontarf, near Dublin, on the east coast of Ireland.

  2. Clontarf was a core site of the Battle of Clontarf in 1014, in which Brian Boru, High King of Ireland, defeated the Vikings of Dublin and their allies, the Irish of Leinster. This battle, which extended over a wide area, from modern Ballybough to Kilbarrack, at least, is seen as marking an end to the Irish-Viking Wars. Etymology.

    • Overview
    • The rise of Munster
    • The kingdoms of Dublin and Leinster
    • Showdown at Clontarf
    • Aftermath
    • Sources for the battle and legacy

    Battle of Clontarf, (April 23, 1014), large military encounter fought near the modern Dublin suburb of Clontarf, between an Irish army led by Brian Boru and a coalition of the Irish kingdom of Leinster, the Hiberno-Scandinavian kingdom of Dublin, and Vikings from afar afield as Orkney, Iceland, and Normandy. The loss of life was considerable —greater than average contemporary encounters, with perhaps several thousand killed—and the outcome inconclusive, but it is generally considered a pyrrhic victory for Brian’s side.

    Brian’s power had been growing steadily from the 980s, to the point where his kingdom of Munster had risen to unparalleled prominence in Irish politics, subduing or overawing all other major powers. He was acknowledged as king of Ireland during the first decade of the new millennium, but by 1013 his grip was faltering, and a rebellion in the east of Ireland culminated in the Battle of Clontarf, in which he lost his life and the ambitions of Munster suffered a serious setback. The battle was also a milestone in the decline of Viking power in Ireland, although not the decisive moment that is sometimes claimed for it. Clontarf was mythologised within decades, gradually becoming viewed—simplistically and inaccurately—as an encounter between Christian Irish and pagan foreigners, and this titanic framing of the battle helped create the popular and scholarly view of Brian as Ireland’s greatest king, his harp a symbol of the Irish nation to this day.

    Brian’s dynasty, Dál Cais, came to power during the tenth century; his elder brother, Mathgamain, was the first of their line to be recognised as king of Munster, but was assassinated in 976 and succeeded by Brian. Under Brian’s rule, Munster became more militarily and politically aggressive than it had been heretofore, and his campaigns to dominat...

    Pagan Viking raiders from Scandinavia established a stronghold on the southern bank of the river Liffey in the ninth century, which eventually formed the nucleus of the city and kingdom of Dublin (roughly coterminous with the modern county of the same name). By the end of the tenth century that kingdom was culturally hybrid (reflected in the scholarly term Hiberno-Scandinavian), increasingly Christian (although the processes and timescale of conversion are obscure), and integrated into the complex worlds of Irish politics and wider Irish Sea affairs. Dublin also became one of northern Europe’s most important trading entrepôts, with a considerable international market in slaves; it was the main conduit for foreign goods entering Ireland. Consequently, ambitious Irish kings increasingly desired to control Dublin, rather than seek its destruction.

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    Hiberno-Scandinavian Dublin was partly established out of land conquered from the kingdom of Leinster, yet by the late tenth century Leinster’s leaders allied with Dublin in the face of Brian’s aggression. They suffered a heavy defeat at the Battle of Glen Máma in 999, after which Brian sacked Dublin city. In the aftermath of Glen Máma, he demonstrated his authority by settling the kingship of Dublin upon its defeated king, Sitric Silkenbeard (also known as Sytrygg Oláfsson), and within a few years he elevated Máel Mórda mac Murchada to the kingship of Leinster. As was common in medieval Europe, these political relationships were accompanied (and partly created) by familial ties. Key to this nexus was Gormlaith; she was Brian’s ex-wife and mother of his son Donnchad, mother of Sitric by a previous king of Dublin, and a sister of Máel Mórda. In addition, a daughter of Brian by another marriage became Sitric’s wife. For almost a decade after Brian’s confirmation of Máel Mórda’s position (1003), Dublin and Leinster remained subordinate to his wishes, during which time Brian reached the apogee of his power.

    The year preceding the battle was characterised by intense warfare in the east and south of Ireland. Brian fortified a number of locations in Munster (which was also subject to naval attacks) and devoted much of his attention to campaigning against Leinster and Dublin. He spent the final months of the year in the field, attacking as far as Dublin city, while his son, Murchad, also harried much of Leinster. This warfare spilled over into the following year, by which time Sitric of Dublin may have already amassed considerable Viking support from overseas. In April 1014 Brian led an army to Dublin and engaged his opponents in a large pitched battle (the Battle of Clontarf), something he had generally avoided during his career and that was rare in Ireland altogether, with most martial engagements being ambushes, cattle raids, or small encounters.

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    Much of what occurred at the battle is uncertain, including its location, owing to a lack of reliable contemporary accounts. Even the earliest and most trustworthy sources to provide any details (the Annals of Inisfallen and Annals of Ulster) appear to have undergone subsequent editing and disagree on fundamental aspects, such as who fought on Brian’s side and who his principal opponents were. Neither mention the date or the placename Cluain Tarbh, or Clontarf (located on the northern shore of Dublin Bay, about two kilometres from the city centre), although it appears that by the early 12th century it was already associated with the battle. Just as the location is uncertain, so too the armies’ manoeuvres not recorded by the earliest annals, and attempts to chronicle the events of the day rely on later sources whose accounts cannot be taken at face value. Modern scholars generally agree, however, that the battle began with a feint on the part of the Vikings, who put out to sea as if to abandon Sitric, but who then returned to shore under cover of nightfall, Boru’s forces—which included a contingent of Viking mercenaries, as well as Gaels from Scotland and the Isle of Man—foresaw the ruse, with a fierce battle ensuing near the Viking landings at the meadow of Clontarf.

    As is common with medieval battles, estimates of the number slain must be treated with caution; the Annals of Ulster report 6,000 Vikings alone were killed or drowned, a vast percentage of the 7,500 Vikings believed to have taken part in the battle. Irish losses were a reported 4,000. Regardless of the numbers, the general impression from the annals is that contemporaries considered this an exceptionally large battle, and the considerable number of named dead nobles on both sides confirm this. In the 1760s, when what is now Parnell Square was being laid out, a large number of skeletons with weaponry were reportedly recovered from the site, which lies less than a mile from Clontarf along the route that would have led to the centre of Dublin. These remains were not preserved, so the archaeological evidence is inconclusive.

    What can be said for certain is that Brian was accompanied primarily by a Munster force, augmented with support from south Connacht. A number of sources claim that his sometime rival and ally, Máel Sechnaill, was present on his side, but the absence of any of Máel Sechnaill’s followers in the lists of casualties implies that his men did not take part in the fighting. Opposing Brian were the armies of Dublin, Leinster, and supporting Vikings (led primarily by Earl Sigurd of Orkney). High-profile casualties abounded, including Máel Mórda, king of Leinster, Earl Sigurd, Murchad son of Brian, and most significantly Brian himself, slain, legend holds, by a Viking mercenary chief named Brodir. Brian’s army probably held the field, but it was not in a position to press any advantage, and Sitric remained in possession of the fortress of Dublin. The survivors of Brian’s army returned home, but he was buried by the clergy of Armagh, with whom he had cultivated close ties during his reign.

    After the battle, Brian was succeeded by his son, Donnchad, who reigned in Munster for almost half a century. Brian’s descendants were acknowledged as kings of Ireland in the late 11th and early 12th centuries, but another crushing defeat in a pitched battle (Móin Mór, Co. Cork, 1151) sealed their fate, and they were only a regional power afterwards.

    One significant result of the Battle of Clontarf was that Viking raids on Ireland came to a near halt, with the Vikings instead turning their attention to England and Scotland. Indeed, Canute, the son of one Viking leader at Clontarf, Sweyn Forkbeard, was crowned king of England in 1016, and only half a century later the Normans, French-speaking descendants of Viking raiders, seized the English throne.

    While the Irish annals provide the most reliable accounts of the battle, the most influential source for the long-term story of Clontarf is Cogadh Gáedhel re Gallaibh (The War of the Irish with the Foreigners), a propagandistic biography of Brian written approximately a century after the battle. Cogadh begins by portraying Ireland as the victim of a series of unrelenting pagan Viking incursions that were heroically resisted by Brian’s dynasty, framing his career as the culmination and triumph of resistance, and devoting almost half its attention to a dramatic description of the build-up and battle at Clontarf. It was compiled at a time when Brian’s descendants (who adopted the surname O’Brien—“descendants of Brian”) were again in the ascent, and it directly or indirectly influenced almost every subsequent account of the battle, ensuring that Clontarf and Brian were remembered and celebrated into the modern era.

    The Battle of Clontarf was also remembered in a number of Norse sources, particularly in Orkneyinga saga (Saga of the Orkney Islanders) and Brennu-Njáls saga (The Saga of Burnt Njáll). The Norse sagas portray Brian in a positive light, despite being composed by people who were culturally more akin to his opponents. They were written more than 200 years after the battle, and it is possible that Irish traditions influenced them in some instances. However, literary traffic was not one-way; the vilification of Brian’s ex-wife Gormlaith, who was depicted as a key instigator of the battle, is a feature of the later Norse sagas and not Irish texts, yet it has slipped into many modern popular accounts of the battle.

    • Denis Casey
  3. Aug 29, 2024 · One of Dublin’s northeastern suburbs, Clontarf is on the doorstep of many of Dublin’s top attractions. Whether the spectacular coastal scenery that surrounds North Bull Island , the beautiful St Anne’s Park or the many restaurants, Clontarf has plenty up its sleeve.

  4. The Battle of Clontarf, fought on April 23, 1014, was a pivotal moment in Irish history. It pitted the forces of Brian Boru, the High King of Ireland, against a coalition of Norse-Gaelic and Viking armies. The battle was fought near Clontarf, just north of Dublin, and resulted in a decisive victory for the Irish forces.

  5. May 13, 2016 · The Battle of Clontarf happened more than 1,000 years ago in Ireland. Here is a handy top ten primer on Brian Boru, the heroic Irish figure of his era. 1. Brian Boru was a deeply Christian king....

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  7. The Battle of Clontarf was a historic conflict fought on April 23, 1014, near Clontarf, just north of Dublin in Ireland. It was a significant confrontation between the forces of Brian Boru, the High King of Ireland, and a coalition of Norse-Gaelic and Viking armies led by Sitric Silkenbeard, the Norse King of Dublin, and Máel Mórda mac ...

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