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  1. Aug 18, 2020 · 11. In 1922, the Soviet economy was suffering from high inflation and the government introduced a new gold-backed currency called Chervonets which was equivalent of the old Russian imperial gold coin of 10 roubles. Initially, chervonets was exchanged for 11,400 roubles. As the roubles and chervonets were both in circulation, every day, the ...

  2. Aug 15, 2015 · We have to delve into two spheres to address this question, the political and the military. Militarily, the Japanese fought a series of border skirmishes with the Soviet Union at Khalkhin Gol (located along the Manchurian - Mongolian border, Mongolia then being a "People's Republic" and puppet of the Soviet Union) through early summer to early autumn 1939, with the main battle happening on ...

  3. Apr 2, 2016 · The Soviet Union was also investigating titanium for military use, they had a stockpile ready to be purchased, so Lockheed did. "Our supplier, Titanium Metals Corporation, had only limited reserves of the precious alloy, so the CIA conducted a worldwide search and using third parties and dummy companies, managed to unobtrusively purchase the base metal from one of the world's leading exporters ...

  4. The USA needed Soviet Union's support in the war against Japan. The Soviet Union agreed to enter the war three months after they defeated Germany but not without some concessions. One of the main reasons for the failure of the League of Nations was the fact that some countries weren't represented, especially the Soviet Union. Having the Soviet ...

  5. Mongolian planners were trained by Soviet planners and cooperated with them in drafting long-term plans, such as the General Scheme for the Development and Location of the Mongolian People's Republic Productive Forces up to 1990, produced in the late 1970s; and the Longterm Program for the Development of Economic, Scientific, and Technical Cooperation Between the Mongolian People' Republic and ...

  6. The direct reason for Germany to attack the Soviet Union was Soviet advanced preparations to invade ('liberate') central and western Europe. The Soviet Union had the most powerful army in the world at that time and began to concentrate the troops along the new Soviet-German border.

  7. Apr 16, 2021 · Even in Stalingrad or at the siege of Berlin the losses of Soviet Union were higher. In addition they lost 200,000 souls in the wars against the Finns! The Wikipedia page for Soviet Casualties mostly talks about civilian losses, and German POW mistreatment but that doesn't explain why this effect seems so consistent with actual battle losses throughout the war, regardless of the front or enemy ...

  8. Aug 23, 2014 · The Soviet Union was a famously restrictive place when it came to news and ideological spin, and obviously their attitude toward the United States was less than supportive and warm. The Space Race saw a lot of competitiveness between the two countries, but when the United States landed a man on the moon, the language they used was very universal.

  9. The 1939 pact, already ratified on September 4, was strictly against Germany, and had no provisions against Soviet Union (Britain, Poland and the Eastern Front, 1939). Britain, on the other hand, was legally obliged to attack Soviet Union, literally "at once" and to provide "all the support and assistance in its power", per the 1939 pact. There ...

  10. Apr 6, 2019 · Despite the high bureaucracy in the Soviet Union, some design bureaus still achieved spectacular feats in science and engineering (mostly in defense and aerospace) e.g. Mir space station, Soyuz rockets, Mil V-12, Caspian Sea Monster, Antonov 225 Mriya etc. Free flow of ideas and criticism are important for innovative ideas to be realized.

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