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  1. Revelation 7:14 reveals that a great multitude of martyred saints will come out of the great tribulation, and they will come out of it during the first half of the seven years. Now consider that the Bowl judgments of the second half (Revelation 16) will be more severe than the Seal and Trumpet judgments of the first half (Seal: Revelation 6:1-17; 8:1.

  2. Jan 4, 2022 · The Great Tribulation is the last half of the Tribulation period, three and one-half years in length. It is distinguished from the Tribulation period because the Beast, or Antichrist, will be revealed, and the wrath of God will greatly intensify during this time.

  3. Feb 2, 2009 · This is the event that inaugurates the Tribulation period. (3) Revelation 6:1-2. Christ opens the first of the seven-sealed scroll, and the rider on the white horse (probably Antichrist) appears, using diplomacy and the promise of peace to establish his one-world government. (4) Revelation 6:3-4. The second seal introduces a great world war.

  4. Jan 9, 2024 · Great Tribulation—What Happens After the Rapture. Beginning with the Rapture of the Church and ending with the Second Coming of Jesus is a seven-year period on earth referred to as the Great Tribulation. During this same seven-year period, the Church will be in Heaven enjoying the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, hidden away until the indignation ...

    • Larry Ollison
    • Ten Signs The Tribulation Is Drawing Near
    • When Will The Rapture and Tribulation occur?
    • 5 Natural Disasters Will Occur During The Tribulation
    • Will Christians Escape The Tribulation?
    • Who Will Be Saved During The Tribulation?
    • How Will People Hear The Gospel During The Tribulation?
    • Is It True That It Will Be Impossible to Commit Suicide During The Tribulation?
    • What Will Happen in Heaven During The Tribulation?
    • What Can I Do About The Coming Tribulation?

    According to Matthew 24:5-14, we can expect ten events to occur in the days preceding the Rapture and the beginning of the Tribulation. They will continue to multiply and progress as the first 3½ years of the Tribulation unfold. 1. Deception by false teachers (verse 5) 2. Dissension among nations (verses 6-7) 3. Devastation of the food supply (vers...

    Jesus could come tonight! Some people argue that the Rapture cannot occur until the whole world has heard the Gospel—that we need to preach the Gospel until the "last person to be saved" is brought into the kingdom, at which time Jesus will return for His Church. This cannot be true. If there is anything yet to happen before Christ's return, there ...

    Great earthquakes and darkness. Revelation 6:12 says, "Behold, there was a great earthquake." It continues, "The sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood." When Jesus d...
    The stars will fall out of the sky. "The stars of heaven fell to the earth" (Revelation 6:13). The word "star" here is the Greek word aster,and it refers to luminous bodies in the sky other than th...
    The mountains and islands will move. "Every mountain and island was moved out of its place" (Revelation 6:14). When the asteroids strike the earth, the earth's crust may be so disturbed by the impa...
    The ocean will become blood. As Revelation 8:8-9 explains, a great mountain burning with fire will be cast into the sea. The sea will become blood, and one-third of all sea life will die. In additi...

    Yes, Christians will escape the seven-year nightmare of the Tribulation (Revelation 3:10). Jesus Christ will rapture the Church (transport believers to heaven) before the Tribulation begins. He will physically return to remove His waiting Church from the earth and reward them according to their works. This event will occur before God's judgments ar...

    There will be a great harvest of souls for Christ during the Tribulation, fulfilling the prophecy of Matthew 24:14. "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." People from every nation, tribe, and language will be part of the great redeemed multitude. Paradoxically,...

    Assuming there are no believers on earth at the beginning of the seven years of the Tribulation, this is a good question. However, Scripture indicates there will be two witnesses and 144,000 sealed Israeliteswho will proclaim the truth during the Tribulation (Revelation 11, 14). In addition, Dr. Henry Morris suggests a "silent witness" because "mil...

    The Tribulation will be so terrible that men will seek to die, and many will attempt suicide. Yet apparently, death will not be possible during a five-month period described in the fifth trumpet judgment: "In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them" (Revelation 9:6). It will be an a...

    Christians will be in heaven. God will be seated on the throne, surrounded by a rainbow of emerald greens. Twenty-four elders representing the church-age saints will sit around the throne. Before the throne will be a sea of glass. Around the throne, there will be four living creaturessinging praise to the One on the throne. All heaven will worship ...

    The best preparation for the Tribulation is to make sure you are not around for it. If you haven't already, confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord, and trust Him to be your Savior. Once that is settled, you have a commission to carry out! Jesus appointed us to carry His message to the very ends of the earth (Matthew 28:19-20). There will be an oppor...

  5. Futurism. In the futurist view of Christian eschatology, the Great Tribulation is a relatively short period of time where everyone will experience worldwide hardships, persecution, disasters, famine, war, pain, and suffering, which will affect all of creation, and precede judgment of all when the Second Coming takes place.

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  7. Scripture explains that God has great long-suffering with humanity before His anger reaches such a critical point (2 Peter 3:9; Romans 2:4-11). The Great Tribulation represents a time when this point will have been reached with nations that have no excuse because they have been amply warned.

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