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  1. The Roman conquest of Britain was the Roman Empire's conquest of most of the island of Britain, which was inhabited by the Celtic Britons.It began in earnest in AD 43 under Emperor Claudius, and was largely completed in the southern half of Britain (most of England and Wales) by AD 87, when the Stanegate was established.

  2. The Roman invasion began in southern Britain. Around 2,000 years ago, Britain was ruled by tribes of people called the Celts. But this was about to change. For around 100 years (a century), the ...

    • Overview
    • The Roman conquest of Britain
    • The walls of Hadrian and Antonius
    • Military areas
    • Roman army and fortifications
    • Roman roads
    • Roman roads in Wales and northern Britain
    • Roman roads in southern Britain

    Roman Britain, area of the island of Great Britain that was under Roman rule from the conquest of Claudius in 43 ce to the withdrawal of imperial authority by Honorius in 410 ce.

    The Roman conquest of northern Gaul (58–50 bce) brought Britain into definite contact with the Mediterranean. It was already closely connected with Gaul, and, when Roman civilization and its products invaded Gallia Belgica, they passed on easily to Britain. British coins then began to bear Latin legends, and, after Julius Caesar’s raids in 55 and 54 bce, the Romans began to regard Britain’s southern tribes as vassals. However, these tribes do not seem to have regarded themselves as such, and the direct imposition of Roman rule was delayed. The emperor Augustus planned it, but both he and his successor, Tiberius, realized that the greater need was to consolidate the existing empire and absorb the vast additions recently made to it by Pompey, Caesar, and Augustus.

    Preparations for the Roman conquest of Britain had been started and then canceled by the emperor Caligula, and the invasion was finally undertaken by Claudius in 43 ce. Two causes coincided to produce the action: Claudius desired the political prestige of an outstanding conquest; and Cunobelinus, a pro-Roman prince (known to literature as Cymbeline), had just been succeeded by two of his sons, Caratacus and Togodumnus, who were hostile to Rome. Cunobelinus’s sons had expelled Verica, a Roman client king, and were blamed for raids upon Gaul which were then taking place from across the English Channel.

    Aulus Plautius, with a well-equipped army of about 40,000 men, landed in Kent and advanced on the Thames, crossing at the site of Londinium (London). Claudius himself appeared there—the one emperor of the 1st century who crossed the ocean—and the army moved through Essex to capture the native capital, Camulodunum (now Colchester). From the bases of London and Colchester the legions and their auxiliaries continued the conquest. On the left wing, the 2nd Legion (under Vespasian, afterward emperor), subdued the south; in the centre, the 14th and 20th Legions pacified the Midlands; on the right wing, the 9th Legion advanced through the eastern part of the island.

    This strategy was at first triumphant. The lowlands of Britain, with a partly romanized population and easy terrain, presented no obstacle. Within three or four years everything south of the Humber estuary and east of the River Severn had been either directly annexed or entrusted, as protectorates, to native client princes. Farther north, even the Brigantes in the area of the Pennine range came into the sphere of client realms. The peoples of Wales, notably the Silures, offered fiercer resistance, and there followed more than 30 years of intermittent fighting (47–79 ce). The precise details of the struggle are not known. Legionary fortresses were established at Gloucester, Wroxeter (until 66 ce at least), and Lincoln. Later bases included Caerleon, Chester, and York. The method of conquest was the erection and maintenance of small detached forts in strategic positions, each garrisoned by 500 or 1,000 Roman legionaries and auxiliaries.

    Progress was delayed in 60–61 ce by a revolt in the nominally conquered lowlands led by Queen Boudicca of the Iceni. Boudicca’s forces burned Colchester, St. Albans (Verulamium), and London and destroyed the 9th Legion. Provincial Governor Suetonius Paulinus, who had been campaigning in Anglesey, returned to crush the rebellion, but the government was obviously afraid for a while to move its garrisons forward. Indeed, other needs of the empire caused the withdrawal of the 14th Legion in 69 ce. But the decade 70–80 ce was decisive. A succession of three generals commanded an army which was restored to full strength by the addition of the 2nd Legion (Legio II Adiutrix) and achieved the final subjugation of Wales and the first conquest of Yorkshire.

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    Before 90 ce the Roman garrison in Britain was reduced by the transfer of the 2nd Legion to Pannonia, a country south and west of the Danube. About this time Strathmore was evacuated, and the whole of Scotland was abandoned early in the 2nd century, probably in connection with Trajan’s conquest of Dacia in central Europe. Early in Hadrian’s reign the Britons were in revolt, and the 9th Legion faded from history. In 122 Hadrian came to Britain, brought the 6th Legion to replace the 9th, and introduced the frontier policy of his age. For 73 miles (118 km), from the Tyne estuary to the Solway Firth (more exactly from Wallsend to Bowness), he built a continuous rampart known as Hadrian’s Wall. There were outposts in the west to the north of it and some detached forts, milecastles, and towers guarding the Cumberland coast beyond its west end. His title as builder of the wall is proved by both literature and inscriptions. The meaning of the scheme is equally certain. It was to be a wall (comparable with the Great Wall of China) marking the definite limit of the Roman world.

    The actual defensive works were constructed in layers. First was the stone wall—10 feet (3 metres) thick in the east, 6–8 feet (1.8–2.4 metres) thick elsewhere, and originally 15 feet (4.6 metres) high to the rampart walk. The wall was supplemented with a deep ditch in front (i.e., on the northward side) and regularly spaced milecastles and towers (two to a mile) attached to it for patrols, together with 16 forts for the fighting garrison, all connected by a road behind it. On the high moors between Chollerford, Northumberland, and Gilsland, Cumberland, its traces are still plain, as it climbs from hill to hill and winds along precipices. In the west the wall was at first of turf but was gradually replaced in stone, on the same line except for two miles at Birdoswald near Gilsland.

    To the south of the wall was the vallum, a broad flat-bottomed ditch out of which the earth was cast up on either side into regular and continuous mounds, 100 feet (30 metres) apart from crest to crest. It was intended to serve as a rearward obstacle delimiting the military zone. When the reoccupation of Scotland led to the temporary dismantling of milecastles, the ditch was breached by having a series of causeways laid across it, at 15-yard (14-metre) intervals. It is further clear that, before the vallum existed, the earliest forts associated with the wall lay behind it (i.e., to the south of it), on the Stanegate Road, at such points as Corbridge, Chesterholm (Vindolanda), Haltwhistle Bum, Throp, Nether Denton, Boothby Castle Hill, Old Church Brampton, and Carlisle. The Hadrianic scheme thus reached final form only after numerous changes of plan. Under Lucius Septimius Severus many elements in the tower system were given up, and the outpost forts, hitherto existing only in the west at Bewcastle, Netherby, and Birrens, were extended to the east at Risingham (Habitancum) and High Rochester, both on Dere Street.

    Whether the land beyond Hadrian’s Wall became temptingly peaceful or remained in vexing disorder, in 139 Hadrian’s successor, Antoninus Pius, acting through his general Lollius Urbicus, made a change and was preparing to advance to the narrower isthmus between the Forth and Clyde rivers 36 miles (58 km) across, which Agricola had fortified before him. There in 142 Antoninus erected a turf wall (the so-called Antonine Wall) fronted by a large ditch, with 16 forts attached to it, and a rearward connecting road. In the central sector the work still survives, in varying preservation. Occasionally, as on Croy Hill (near Kilsyth) or at Bonnybridge (near Falkirk), the complete works—wall, ditch, and road—can be distinctly traced, while the sites of many forts (some revealed by aerial photography) can be plainly seen by practiced eyes.

    Several forts have been excavated. In each case the barracks rooms were of wood, and the headquarters buildings, granaries, commandant’s house and the baths of stone. In size the forts range from just over one acre to just under seven. The defenses differ. Balmuildy, Dunbartonshire, and Castlecary, Stirlingshire, were walled with stone, whereas the ramparts of Old Kilpatrick and Barr Hill, Dunbartonshire, and of Rough Castle, Stirlingshire, were of sod. The walls of Mumrills, Stirlingshire, were made of clay. Besides the 16 forts on the wall, there were outposts at Camelon, Ardoch, Strageath, Carpow, and Bertha along the natural route which runs by Stirling and Perth to Strathmore. On the Firth of Forth, Cramond and Inveresk forts guarded the flank, while the Clyde was watched by a fort at Bishopton near Paisley and by minor posts. The new frontier was reached from the south by two roads. One, known in medieval times as Dere Street, ran northwest from Corbridge on Tyne (Corstopitum) through forts at Risingham, High Rochester, Cappuck, Newstead near Melrose, Inveresk, and Cramond to the eastern end of the Wall. The second, starting from Carlisle, ran to Birrens near Ecclefechan, Dumfriesshire, and thence by Tassiesholm and Crawford in Lanarkshire to Inveresk in Midlothian, with branches to Carzield in the valley of Nithsdale, Dumfriesshire, and to Carstairs in Clydesdale, Lanarkshire, and so to the west end of the wall. A fort at Lyne near Peebles suggests the existence of an intermediate link between them. There is nothing to suggest that the erection of the wall of Antoninus Pius meant the complete abandonment of the wall of Hadrian. At first the latter was held by a garrison in forts only, but later both barriers were fully held together, and the district between them was regarded as a military area.

    The Antonine Wall brought no long peace. Less than 20 years after its construction (155–158), disorder broke out in the district between the Cheviot and Derbyshire hills and was repressed with difficulty. About 180–185 the “northern” wall according to Dio Cassius, presumably the Antonine Wall, was broken, and the civil war which soon raged in Europe (193–197) for the imperial succession gave the Caledonians the opportunity to ravage the north when its garrison was withdrawn to fight on the continent. The lost land was recovered as far as Hadrian’s Wall in 197, and in 209 the emperor Lucius Septimius Severus with his son Caracalla conducted a punitive expedition into Caledonia and consolidated the position once more. Then, in 211, the third year of operations, Severus died at York. Amid much that is uncertain, this is plain—Hadrian’s Wall was subsequently regarded as the substantive frontier. Severus’s successors, Caracalla (sole emperor 212–217) and Severus Alexander (emperor 222–235), accepted its role as the northern boundary of Roman Britain, and many inscriptions refer to building or rebuilding executed by them for the greater efficiency of the frontier defenses. There was no further advance, and for nearly 200 years Hadrian’s Wall marked the limit of Roman power.

    Geographically, Britain consists of two parts: (1) the comparatively flat lowlands of the south, east, and midlands, suitable for agriculture and open to the continent, i.e., to the rest of the Roman Empire, and (2) the area comprising Devon, Cornwall, Wales, and northern England. These latter regions lie more—often very much more—than 600 feet (183 metres) above sea level and are scarred with gorges and deep valleys. They are mountainous in character and difficult for armies to traverse. The lowlands were conquered easily and quickly, though the midlands were garrisoned until about 79 ce. The uplands were hardly subdued completely until the end of the 2nd century. They differ, moreover, in the character of their Roman occupation. The lowlands were the scene of civil life. Towns, villages, and country houses were their prominent features; troops were hardly seen in them save in some fortresses on the edge of the hills and in a chain of forts built in the 4th century to defend the south and southeast coast, the so-called Saxon Shore. The uplands of Wales and the north were an entirely different matter. There civil life straggled into Glamorgan and Pembrokeshire and even touched Brecknockshire, while in the north it penetrated as far as County Durham. The hills, however, were one extensive military frontier, covered with forts and the strategic roads that connected them. Only the trading settlements outside the forts afforded any hint of organized Roman communities.

    This geographical division was not reproduced by Rome in any administrative partition of the province. At first the whole was governed by one imperial legate (legatus Augusti) of consular standing. Caracalla made it two provinces, superior and inferior, the former including Caerleon, Monmouthshire, and Chester, the latter Lincoln, York, and Hadrian’s Wall. In the 4th century there were four provinces: Britannia Prima, Britannia Secunda, and Flavia Caesariensis, ruled by governors with the title of praesides, and Maxima Caesariensis, ruled by a consularis (governor of consular rank), all under the vicarius Britanniarum (vice-governor of the Britains). After 369 a fifth province named Valentia was added. Politically, it is known that Britannia Prima included Cirencester. Within the army organization the command was divided between the dux Britanniarum, or “duke of the Britains,” responsible for York and Hadrian’s Wall, while the comes litoris Saxonici, or “count of the Saxon Shore,” was responsible for the fleet and for coastal defense. In the later stages of Roman rule the comes Britanniarum, or “count of the Britains,” commanded the field army.

    The army of the province consisted, from the time of Hadrian onward, of three legions: the 2nd at Caerleon (Isca), the 6th at York (Eburacum), and the 20th at Chester (Deva), for a total of approximately 15,000 heavy infantry. In addition, there was a large but uncertain number of auxiliaries, troops of the second grade, organized as infantry (cohortes) or cavalry (alae), each 500 or 1,000 strong and posted in castella (or small forts) nearer the frontiers than the legions. The legionary fortresses were large rectangular enclosures of 50 or 60 acres surrounded by strong walls. Traces of these can still be seen in the north and east town walls of Chester, at the eastern and western angles of York, and on the south side of Caerleon. The auxiliary castella were likewise square or oblong in shape but varied from three to six acres according to the size of the regiment and the need for stabling. Of these about 100 are known.

    The internal arrangements follow one general plan. While in later forts the buildings are all of stone, in Claudian and Flavian forts wood is used throughout, and in many forts as late as 160 only the principal buildings seem to have been constructed of stone. In the centre of the fort was the headquarters (principia), a rectangular structure with a front entrance which gave access first to a small cloistered court, then to a covered hall, bordered by a row of three, five, or even seven rooms containing the shrine for official worship and the pay and record offices. Close by were the commandant’s house (praetorium), generally built around a cloistered court, and granaries (horrea) with buttresses and ventilated basements. These filled the middle third of the fort. In the other two-thirds were barracks for the soldiers. No space was allotted to private religion or domestic life. The shrines which individual private worshipers might visit, the bathhouse, and the dwellings or shops of camp followers lay outside the walls. Such were nearly all Roman forts in Britain, differing little from those in other provinces.

    The road system was laid out to meet the strategy of Roman conquest, which was carried out in stages.

    Forts were dotted all along the military roads of Wales and of northern Britain. From Chester a road ran through north Wales past Caerhun (Canovium) to a fort at Caernarvon (Segontium). A similar road ran westward along the southern coast from Caerleon past a fort at Cardiff to Neath (Nidum) and Carmarthen (Maridunum). A third road, connecting the northern and southern roads, ran roughly parallel to the shore of Cardigan Bay, with forts at Llanio, Trawscoed, Pennal, and Tomen-y-Mur. The interior was held by roads and forts discernible at Caer Gai on Bala Lake in Merioneth, Caersws in Montgomeryshire, Forden Gaer near Montgomery, Leintwardine (Bravonium) in Herefordshire, Castell Collen near Llandrindod Wells in Radnorshire, Cae Gaer near Llangammarch in Brecknockshire, Y Gaer (Bannium) near Brecon, and Merthyr Tydfil and Gellygaer in Glamorgan. (Caer, or gaer, is Welsh for “fort,” or “encampment.”)

    In the north of Britain there were three principal roads. One led due north from York past forts at Catterick (Cataractonium), Piercebridge, Binchester (Vinovium), Lanchester (Longovicium), Ebchester (Vindomora), and Corbridge to Hadrian’s Wall and to Scotland. A branch through Chester-le-Street in Durham reached the Tyne mouth at South Shields. A second road, turning northwest from Catterick, crossed the Pennines with forts at Greta Bridge and Bowes (Lavatrae) in Yorkshire and at Brough-under-Stainmore (Verterae) in Westmorland, descended the Vale of Eden with forts at Kirkby Thore and Broughham. This road joined the third route at Old Penrith (Voreda) in Cumberland. The third route, starting from Chester and passing up the western coast, was more complex and existed in duplicate, the result perhaps of two different schemes of road making. Forts in plenty can be detected along it, notably Manchester (Mamucium), Ribchester (Bremetennacum) and Overborough (Galacum). Closer to the coast a parallel road passed through Wigan (Coccium), Lancaster, Watercrook, and Ambleside (Borrans Field). At Ambleside a spur led west to Hardknott (a peak in Eskdale with remains of a Roman camp known as Hardknott Castle) to the Cumberland coast at Ravenglass (Glanoventa), In addition, crossroads from Manchester, Ribchester, and Overborough maintained communication with Yorkshire.

    There were four main groups of roads radiating from London and a fifth which ran obliquely. One road ran southeastward to Canterbury (Durovernum) and the Kentish ports, of which Richborough (Rutupiae or Portus Ritupis) was the most frequented. A second ran westward to Silchester (Calleva Atrebatum) and thence by various branches to Winchester (Vent...

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  3. The Roman conquest and subsequent occupation of Britain, which ended in 410, left a permanent mark on Britain and on the island's future role in the world. Centuries later, as it acquired its own empire, it set itself the task of emulating Ancient Rome. As a result of their own incorporation into the wider world by Rome, which opened up for ...

  4. The Romans had known about Britain long before they decided to invade. Julius Caesar came to know of its peoples during his wars in Gaul between 58 and 50 BC, which brought much of what are now France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland under Roman control. During that time, in 55 and 54 BC, Caesar undertook two military expeditions to Britain.

    • What was the Roman conquest of Britain?1
    • What was the Roman conquest of Britain?2
    • What was the Roman conquest of Britain?3
    • What was the Roman conquest of Britain?4
    • What was the Roman conquest of Britain?5
  5. Jan 30, 2017 · Britain was a significant addition to the ever-expanding Roman Empire. For decades, Rome had been conquering the Mediterranean Sea – defeating Carthage in the Punic Wars, overwhelming Macedon and Greece, and finally marching into Syria and Egypt. At long last, they gazed northward across the Alps towards Gaul and ultimately set their sights ...

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  7. Aug 9, 2018 · The Roman conquest of Britain. Britain was a tribal country though, and each tribe had to be defeated, usually by siege of their hill fort last redoubts. Roman military power headed slowly west and north and by about 47 AD a line from the Severn to the Humber marked the boundary of Roman control.

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