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  1. The great beauty of Sri Aurobindo is that by his masterly touch he can turn base metal into the purest gold. Here he is touching gold itself and polishing and carving it into a beautiful ornament for the soul to relish. Volume 5 of CWSA comprises all of Sri Aurobindo’s translations from Sanskrit, Bengali, Tamil, Greek and Latin into English ...

  2. Sisir Kumar Maitra, who was a leading exponent of Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy, [95] has referred to the issue of external influences and written that Sri Aurobindo does not mention names, but "as one reads his books one cannot fail to notice how thorough is his grasp of the great Western philosophers of the present age..." Although he is Indian one should not "underrate the influence of Western ...

  3. Jan 4, 2022 · Sing to the LORD a new song, his praise in the assembly of his faithful people” (Psalm 149:1). In each of these passages, new means “original,” “fresh,” “one of a kind,” and “never seen before,” or, in this case, “never heard before.”. God is a creative God. He’s always doing something new—like saving, intervening ...

  4. Not only was Sri Aurobindo "the greatest living philosopher on earth" (as Spiegelberg called him in 1949); not only has Sri Aurobindo's The Life Divine been described by S.K. Maitra as the last arch in "The bridge of thoughts and sighs which spans the history of Aryan culture"; not only is Sri Aurobindo's Savitri "probably the greatest epic in the English language" (as Raymond F. Piper has ...

  5. Nov 24, 2013 · That’s the point of the Feast of Christ the King in this time: to remind us that we are not the center of the universe; Christ is. To challenge us to gird ourselves for whatever will come, whether the Day of Doom or Christ’s return in glory. To give praise and thanks and glory to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

  6. Sri Aurobindo puts it very clearly in The Life Divine: "To the egoistic consciousness God seems to be going round the ego and ego sits in judgment on the works of God." The truth is that the Omnipresent Reality is the centre and mind and all its experiences have to find their true significance in the Universal and in the Transcendent Divine.

  7. People also ask

  8. Nov 15, 2021 · 4. This is from book X, canto III of Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol by Sri Aurobindo: All our earth starts from mud and ends in sky, And Love that was once an animal's desire, Then a sweet madness in the rapturous heart, An ardent comradeship in the happy mind, Becomes a wide spiritual yearning's space. I'm trying to understand the meaning of ...