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Feb 5, 2024 · Living through tough times can be both mentally and physically draining. Constantly being in a heightened state of stress can lead to serious health problems, impact your immune and digestive systems, increase your risk of heart attack and stroke, and lead to burnout , a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion.
Nov 15, 2024 · Tough experiences build empathy, giving you a deeper sense of compassion for those around you. So yes, it can feel overwhelming. But imagine coming out of this period stronger, with new skills and a fresh perspective on life. Embracing these challenges can help you become more resilient, open, and empathetic – ready for whatever comes next.
- Make Meaning
- Metabolize The Event
- Cultivate A Coping Strategy
- Prioritize Self-Care
As we grow, we develop a set of beliefs about the world around us – it’s the foundation we build our lives upon. When we experience difficult times, it’s like an earthquake – unexpected – and it can break up that foundation and leave us feeling unsure of ourselves with parts of our lives reduced to rubble. “An event like a divorce or the loss of a ...
As Mirgain explained – learning and growing from an experience doesn’t mean denying the feelings that come with the process. But some people try to avoid negative emotions, and that can be a problem. “When we try to bury our feelings, it can actually cause them to become even stronger in the future and prevent us from moving beyond the distressing ...
One of Mirgain’s favorite strategies for processing emotions is expressive writing. “Expressive writing is best during the times we experience something mild to moderate, not a deeply traumatic event,” she said. Mirgain shares that expressive writing has been shown to reliably improve both psychological and physical health by reducing stress and en...
Self-care, according to Mirgain, can help us heal. When we do something that makes us feel good in a healthy and constructive way, it can improve our mind-set. And there is the additional benefit that often in times of crisis we feel powerless because there may not be anything we can do. Taking care of ourselves is one thing we have control over an...
- Remember that things may not be as bad as they seem. Usually in retrospect, what may have felt awful wasn’t really so bad, and that lesson can help you make it through whatever difficult time you are going through now.
- Remind yourself that nothing lasts forever, not even when it’s bad. Okay, it’s tough out there, or maybe your relationship is on the rocks. You can wait it out and things could get better on their own, or you could do a little research or counseling and see if you can make things better.
- Hang out with people who care about you. They are your greatest asset. The time spent with those you love is time that heals your soul and reminds you of why you are here.
- Read about how other people made it through tough times. I watched my dad go through a bankruptcy, and the whole time he kept saying, “Yeah, it happened to Walt Disney.
- managing household expenses during hardship. When things become tough, it seems like there’s hardly anything left to cut from your budget. This is when it becomes even more crucial to manage your finances.
- Stretching Your Food Budget in High-Price Times. When food prices soar, feeding your family becomes a significant concern. First, focus on nutrition over variety.
- Lean on others. Tap into the power of community. You can join or create a local swapping/ bartering group. In the group, members can share things like clothes, tools, or babysitting services.
- Self-Care: The Non-Negotiable for Hard Times. In tough times, self-care often takes a back seat, but for stay-at-home moms, it’s more crucial than ever.
Such times teach us to look at the ‘collective’ and always be responsible in our actions, hence making conscious decisions. 4. You Learn to Explore Your Full Potential. As a very popular saying goes, ‘When the going gets tough, the tough get going.’ Yes, you have to go on amidst difficulties, that is the sign of a true warrior.
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Aug 4, 2022 · Difficult times teach you how essential it is to be a good friend and be there for others when they are facing challenging times. We can easily become too self-centered, and hard times show us how ...