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Dec 7, 2019 · Now that we have a way to approximate the degree of socialism in countries, we can see how socialism correlates with important indicators of the population’s quality of life. By looking at actual life outcomes across countries, we can see whether it’s justified to argue that socialism is incompatible with living the good life.
- Socialism Is A Yearning For Something Better Than Capitalism
- Socialism Is Not A Single, Unified Theory
- The Soviet Union and China Achieved State Capitalism, Not Socialism
- The U.S., Soviet Union, and China Have More in Common Than You Think
- Thank American Socialists, Communists, and Unionists For The 1930s New Deal
- Fascism Is A Capitalist Response to Socialism
- Socialism Has Been, and Still Is, Evolving
- Worker Co-Ops Are A Key to Socialism’s Future
Socialism represents the awareness of employees that their sufferings and limitations come less from their employers than from the capitalist system. That system prescribes incentives and options for both sides, and rewards and punishments for their behavioral “choices.” It generates their endless struggles and the employees’ realization that syste...
People spread socialism across the world, interpreting and implementing it in many different ways based on context. Socialists found capitalism to be a system that produced ever-deepening inequalities, recurring cycles of unemployment and depression, and the undermining of human efforts to build democratic politics and inclusive cultures. Socialist...
Asleader of the Soviet Union, Lenin once said that socialism was a goal, not yetan achieved reality. The Soviet had, instead, achieved “state capitalism.” Asocialist party had state power, and the state had become the industrialcapitalist displacing the former private capitalists. The Soviet revolution hadchanged who the employer was; it had not en...
Ascapitalism emerged from feudalism in Europe in the 19th century, it advocatedliberty, equality, fraternity, and democracy. When those promises failed tomaterialize, many became anti-capitalist and found their way to socialism. Experimentsin constructing post-capitalist, socialist systems in the 20th century(especially in the Soviet Union and Chin...
FDR’sgovernment raised the revenue necessary for Washington to fund massive,expensive increases in public services during the Depression of the 1930s.These included the Social Security system, the first federal unemploymentcompensation system, the first federal minimum wage, and a mass federal jobsprogram. FDR’s revenues came from taxing corporatio...
Afascist economic system is capitalist, but with a mixture of very heavygovernment influence. In fascism, the government reinforces, supports, andsustains private capitalist workplaces. It rigidly enforces theemployer/employee dichotomy central to capitalist enterprises. Privatecapitalists support fascism when they fear losing their position as cap...
During the second half of the 20th century, socialism’s diversity of interpretations and proposals for change shrank to two alternative notions: 1.) moving from private to state-owned-and -operated workplaces and from market to centrally planned distributions of resources and products like the Soviet Union, or 2.) “welfare-state” governments regula...
The focus of the capitalism-versus-socialism debate is now challenged by the changes within socialism. Who the employers are (private citizens or state officials) now matters less than what kind of relationship exists between employers and employees in the workplace. The role of the state is no longer the central issue in dispute. Agrowing number o...
- Richard D. Wolff
Jun 8, 2017 · In short, Socialism appeals to the weak minded to those, who are afraid of competition, because they consider themselves as a born loser. But Socialism makes them strong. I guess, Philip Converse would have called socialism a belief system and Milton Rokeach would have added the closed mind, needed to find such a kind of belief system attractive.
Sep 13, 2019 · Welfare state can cause disincentives. If a welfare state is too generous, it is argued it may create a disincentive to get a job and therefore it can reduce the labour force and individual effort. See more: Poverty trap; Powerful unions can cause labour market antagonism. Ideally, socialism aims at a more harmonious society.
- 11 min
Jun 13, 2019 · Can the universal values traditionally espoused by socialism be reconciled with the pursuit of a political agenda built around multiculturalism? There can be no socialist movement that ignores the question of class. Taking the issue of the precarious workforce or landless workers and so on is central to the class struggle.
Feb 4, 2020 · 1.Socialism is a yearning for something better than capitalism. ... The microeconomic transformation from the employer/employee organization to worker co-ops can ground a bottom-up economic democracy.
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Jul 15, 2019 · Both socialism and capitalism grant workers legal control of their labor power, but socialism, unlike capitalism, requires that the bulk of the means of production workers use to yield goods and services be under the effective control of workers themselves, rather than in the hands of the members of a different, capitalist class under whose direction they must toil.