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Participating colleges provide last-dollar tuition grants
- Through the Dallas County Promise, participating colleges provide last-dollar tuition grants to students who graduate from a Promise high school with a high school diploma or associate degree. The Promise scholarship covers the gap between financial aid and the cost of tuition for up to a time limit or the completion of a degree per institution.
Yes, all graduating seniors from participating high schools who meet all Dallas County Promise deadlines and in-state residency requirements are eligible to receive the Dallas County Promise last-dollar tuition scholarship.
Through the Dallas County Promise, participating colleges provide last-dollar tuition grants to students who graduate from a Promise high school with a high school diploma or associate degree. The Promise scholarship covers the gap between financial aid and the cost of tuition for up to a time limit or the completion of a degree per institution.
Promise Scholars can be offered a last-dollar tuition grant to help reduce financial barriers present in accessing a postsecondary education at partner colleges and universities.
Promise Scholars can be offered a last-dollar tuition grant to help reduce financial barriers present in accessing a postsecondary education at partner colleges and universities.
The Dallas College Foundation’s LevelUp Scholarship provides a “last dollar” scholarship to one parent or guardian of a graduating student from Dallas County Promise (DCP) high schools. DCPP participants must be willing to enroll in a Dallas College academic program which leads to an occupation in an in-demand career field.
Dallas County Promise is a last-dollar scholarship that covers tuition at partner colleges and offers dedicated student supports for Dallas County high school graduates from participating campuses with options for all Texas residents! Start Your Promise Path.
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Parent Promise is a last-dollar scholarship program which provides a pathway for parents of students in a Promise high school to earn a certificate or associate degree in order to pursue a career in an in-demand field of study. Student must complete Pledge.