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Aug 10, 2017 · If you installed MinGW through MSYS2, you can use the MSYS2 pacman package manager to install additional packages: The MSYS2 software distribution uses a port of pacman from Arch Linux to manage (install, remove and update) binary packages and also to build those packages in the first place. Finding package
- Package Repositories
- Finding A Package
- Installing A Package
- Uninstalling A Package
- Installing A Specific Version of A Package Or A Stand-Alone Packages
- Finding Dependencies of A Package
- Finding Out Which Package A File Belongs to
- Finding Which Package Will Install The File You Need
- Resources
The MSYS2 software distribution uses a port of pacman(known from Arch Linux) to manage (install, remove and update) binary packages and also to build those packages in the first place. Packages in MSYS2 work like packages in popular Linux distributions. A package is an archive containing a piece of software. This normally means executable files, ru...
If you want to find a specific package in the repository (and that package can or cannot be installed on your machine) you can use the following command: pacman -Ss Example: $ pacman -Ss openjp As you can see the mingw-w64-x86_64-openjpeg2 package is installed, while the mingw-w64-x86_64-openjpeg package is...
If you want to install a package, use the following command: pacman -S If the package has dependencies which are not installed, pacmanwill ask you whether you would like to install the dependencies in the first place. pacman -S also accepts virtual package names and package group names. Virtual package names can be often encou...
The following command will remove a package (but not its dependencies nor any files produced by running it): pacman -R
Older (or pre-release) versions of packages can be installed directly from the package archive (.tar.zst or .tar.xz). The data storefor the repositories contains older versions of packages, but beware that you might need to recursively find correct versions of dependencies for the desired package. Once downloaded, the package can be installed like ...
You can use pactreeto figure out which packages are needed to make a package working properly: $ pactree mingw-w64-x86_64-gettext Alternatively you can use pacman -Qi to get the list of directdependencies of a package: $ pacman -Qi mingw-w64-x86_64-gettext
Use the following command to trace a file back to its owning package: pacman -Qo Note that this operation only compares the file paths, so proper capitalization and the .exesuffix (if applicable) is required. Also note that this works only on installed packages, it will not scan the whole package repositories.
The two recommended tools that can scan a repository and find packages that contain specific files are pacman -F and pkgfile. Below are examples of pacman -Fusage: Call pacman -Fy to update your package database. To find an exact match, call pacman -F (don't include the path in the filename). To find a substring match, call pacman -Fx
Avoiding writing long package names. Use pacboy to install mingw packages without having to type the long package names (install pacboy first using pacman -S pactoys if necessary). Examples: pacboy installs the listed packages for one or more environments. The selection of environments for each package is controlled by appending suffixes on the ...
Aug 2, 2020 · The most common next step is to install some packages. MSys2 uses the same package manager as Arch Linux; it’s called pacman. The most basic package you probably want to install is called “base-devel” and you install it by typing “pacman -S base-devel“. It gives you these general-purpose essentials:
Installing additional packages with pacboy after updating the system is supported through option pacboy. The package or list of packages are installed through pacboy --noconfirm -S --needed . strategy : fail-fast : false matrix : sys : [ MINGW64, MINGW32, UCRT64, CLANG64 ] steps : - uses : msys2/setup-msys2@v2 with : msystem : ${{matrix.sys}} install : >- git curl pacboy : >- openssl:p
Note that not every package includes the license text as a file, nor puts it in this specific recommended location. Listing the content of a package. If you would like to know what has been installed as a part of a specific package use the following command: pacman -Ql <name of the package> Example: $ pacman -Ql mingw-w64-x86_64-pugixml
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How do I install MinGW packages using Pacboy?
How do I install a package using MSYS2 Pacman?
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How does Pacboy install packages?
Under MinGW shell, for 64-bit MSYS2, install both mingw-w64-x86_64-python2-nuitka and mingw-w64-i686-python2-nuitka, or just the i686 version for 32-bit MSYS2: pacboy sync python2-nuitka Remove mingw-w64-x86_64-perl and unnecessary dependencies under any shell: