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May 9, 2023 · After running the tests, we found that the new ADBC driver for Flight SQL performs best. Here are the performance numbers: As you can see, ADBC performs over 33% faster than a very optimized JDBC setup, and over 21x faster than the default JDBC configuration! Further, the Python code complexity is much less for ADBC and works out of the box ...
- Benchmark Setup with Updated Versions
- Timings
- Conclusion
Overall, we have done the following version updates: 1. Apache Drill: 1.16 -> 1.18 2. Apache Arrow: 0.15.1 -> 2.0.0 3. jpype1: 0.6.3 -> 1.2.0 4. JayDeBeApi: 1.1.1 -> 1.2.3 We had to do some changes to the code as on the Arrow side a new SQL API was implemented that also support iterating over chunks of the result and reusing previously allocated bu...
To get an understanding of the performance we run the same benchmarks as last year.This means, we fetch the top N rows from the yellow_tripdata_2016-01 file (converted to Parquet) from the New York TLC Taxi trips dataset, i.e. we run the below SQL query for N = {10000, 100000, 1000000}and compare to last years values. In the above table, one can cl...
With a speedup of upto 10x in the recent jpype releases, the overall benefit of using pyarrow.jvm vanishes a bit for small to medium results.There it might be simpler to stick to the more recent jpype.dbapi2 interface and have one dependency less.If your results are though bigger than 100000 rows, you should definitely take a look at setting up pya...
Apr 14, 2015 · Potential advantages of pypyodbc over pyodbc by written in Python would be: Less likely to contain C pointer issues. Slightly less likely to contain memory allocation issues. Simpler to maintain; a higher-level language means less lines of code. Much much easier to install without compilation issues which require a separate build for separate ...
Mar 22, 2024 · The database access layers in Python are less robust than JDBC in Java. As a result, it is rarely utilized in companies. File I/O: In Java, a basic task like reading a file involves importing too many classes and building a class to read the file's contents. In Python, you only need two lines to read the file. Framework
The rivalry between Python and Java is a notable one, each flaunting unique strengths suited for different project requirements. In 2023, Python’s popularity soared to 48.24%, while Java maintained a substantial market share of 35.35%. For developers, both budding and seasoned, aligning with the right language is a cornerstone for project ...
Oct 30, 2019 · Authentication - You have more authentication standards available for APIs. Security - It is more secure to abstract away the database driving your apps. Entitlements - There is more flexibility in defining who has access to which APIs. Rate Limits - APIs allow for more fine grain rate limiting for access to APIs.
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Nov 17, 2019 · As the main aspect here is to show how to access databases using JDBC in Python, we will use JayDeBeApi now to connect to this running Drill instance. Therefore we start a JVM with jpype and then connect using jaydebeapi and the drill-jdbc-all-1.16.0.jar JAR to the database. For the JDBC connections, it is important that we have either a ...