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  1. Inventory is a current asset. Inventory is treated as a current asset because the organization intends to sell them within one accounting period or 12 months from the date it is recorded in the balance sheet. All the current assets including inventory have high liquidity and convertibility. Inventory is a primary source of revenue, especially ...

  2. Examples of current assets include cash in hand, cash at bank, sundry debtors, short-term investments, bills receivable, inventory, prepaid expenses, etc. Current assets are shown separately as a line item in the financial statements. They include prepaid expenses and inventories. Current assets are used to calculate the current ratio of a ...

  3. Current Assets Vs Current Liabilities. Assets and liabilities are classified in many ways such as fixed, current, tangible, intangible, long-term, short-term etc. While analyzing the balance sheet of a company it is important to know the difference between current assets and current liabilities. Here the distinction is related to the age of ...

  4. Current assets are those assets that are used for operating activities and it is used within a year. It is liquid and easily converted into cash. An example of the current asset will be inventory. Current liabilities are those liabilities that need to be fulfilled by the company within a year. It is a short-term financial obligation.

  5. Feb 16, 2016 · Inventory is a Current Assets.... A current assets is an asset held in the course of normal trade and which is realisable in the next 12 months from the end of the reporting period. Since the Inventory is meant to be realised by way of sale or consumption in the course of generating sales, it is treated as a current asset.

  6. Raw materials, finished goods, and work in progress are all included. Inventory is another word for stock, which is a current asset. In other words, it is the stock that was not sold in the previous accounting period and carried forward to the current accounting year. Stock can be of various types;

  7. Inventory is not kept in the business for a longer period. They are meant for immediate sales to generate revenue. 4. Scope: Assets have a broad scope because they remain in the business for both long-term (Fixed Assets) and short-term (Current Assets). Inventory has a narrow scope because they are quickly converted into revenue by selling them. 5.

  8. Current assets are mainly used by a business for day-to-day business transactions. Valuation: A fixed asset is valued by subtracting its depreciation from its cost. A current asset is valued at its cost or market value, whichever is lower. Funding Source: Long-term funds are used to acquire fixed assets. Current assets are acquired from short ...

  9. A fixed asset is valued by (the cost of the asset – depreciation). A current asset is valued as per its current market value or cost value, whichever is lower. Funding Source: Fixed assets are acquired with long-term funds. Current assets are acquired with short-term funds. Sale: At the time of sale, there is a capital gain or capital loss.

  10. Assets in the form of Cash or Goods withdrawn from a business by the owner(s) for their personal use are termed as drawings. They reduce the capital..

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