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  1. Difficulty. Difficulty refers to how challenging the gameplay is. There are two additional options to difficulty within the Calamity Mod, both of which increase the difficulty of the game. These difficulties are available from a separate UI element available when a player has entered a world, and are compatible with the base difficulties in ...

  2. you can adjust various options in the mod config. Ones you might find useful are the options to disable rage/adrenaline, and you can also adjust the boss health through a multiplier. If you want to do the bossrush, you can also put on "curses" that make it harder (such as disabling the 6th and 7th accessory slots, etc) 2.

  3. Afaik there is a patch mod that fixes Infernum with both special seeds and with master mode (i don't know the name of it, so don't quote me on it) but technically in that case hardest possible difficulty would be Infernum Master Eternity GetFixedBoi Hardcore Character I believe.

  4. As others have said, the Calamity Infernum add-on is your go-to. It adds a difficulty that replaces Death Mode, completely reworking the bosses and some minibosses to be much harder and (in most cases) more interesting. Infernum Mode is to Calamity what Fargo's Soul Eternity Mode is to Vanilla. Another mod you might want to look into is the ...

  5. Raising the Stakes: Making Calamity HarderCalamity Challenge • Learn how to up the difficulty in the Calamity mod by adjusting settings, imposing restrict...

  6. A while back, I introduced a very dear friend of mine to Terraria for the first time through Calamity Infernum! it was about a year ago that we played and, frankly, it was some of the best times I have had with that friend. I am looking to perhaps give it another try, but there is a slight problem. Said friend is sort of. Cracked? As I believe people would use that word ːsansː .

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  8. Sep 27, 2023 · Fun Mode; potentially the new hardest Calamity run I've done and potentially the hardest one I've seen. Current hardest difficulty, removal of features like Adrenaline and rage, and doubled boss health. A run so difficult it begins leaving the realm of 'fun challenge' and begins delving into a rage-inducing gauntlet.

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