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"diagnostic" when they reach a minimum degree of expression, which is determined by appearance, measurability, importance, relevance and quantitative criteria. To be considered diagnostic, soil horizons also require a minimum thickness, which must be appraised in relation to bioclimatic factors (e.g. an albic horizon in boreal regions is not ...
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Soil horizons, properties and materials are intended to reflect features which are widely recognized as occurring in soils and which can be used to describe and define soil classes. They are considered to be "diagnostic" when they reach a minimum degree of expression, which is determined by appearance, measurability, importance, relevance and quantitative criteria.
A Key to Common Diagnostic Horizons in Soil Taxonomy EPIPEDONS: 1. An “A” horizon is a histic epipedon (one or more horizons) that is characterized by saturation (for 30 days or more, cumulative) and reduction for some time during normal years (or is artificially drained) and either: 1. Consists of organic soil material (see below) that: a.
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The different diagnostic A horizons are identified in the field by observing the soil mass by the naked eye or with a 5–10 X magnifying hand lens, assessing structure (Soil Survey Staff, 2014; Schoeneberger et al., 2012; FAO, 2006) and consistence, and measuring pH water according to ISO 10390 (2005) with a portable electrode (Adamchuk et al., 2004).
A hortic horizon (from Latin hortus, garden) is a mineral surface horizon created by the human activities of deep cultivation, intensive fertilization and/or long-continued application of human and animal wastes and other organic residues (e.g. manures, kitchen refuse, compost and night soil). Diagnostic criteria. A hortic horizon is a surface ...
Jun 9, 2022 · Diagnostic soil horizons are used at the four highest categories in soil . taxonomy: order, sub-order, great group, and subgroup [7]. This paper provides an overview .
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Aug 5, 2016 · Diagnostic Subsurface Horizons Usually (but not always) B horizons There are many of them in Soil Taxonomy (30+) Horizons of translocation: movement of material • Argillic, kandic, natric: illuvial clay (Bt) • Calcic, gypsic, salic: other illuvial mineral or salts (Bk,m,n,y,z) • Spodic: illuvial Fe and/or organic materials (Bh,s)