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Muslim scholars from Islam’s rich intellectual history wrote about therapeutic rapport, psychiatric aftercare, and cognitive strategies for the treatment of depression centuries before their European counterparts.
Many of the participants recognized the significant contribution that Islamic scholars like al-Ghazali offered to the field of moral psychology, particularly those who had an academic orientation to the study of Islamic philosophy and spirituality and the history of such thought.
In the writings of Muslim scholars, the term Nafs (self) was used to denote individual personality and the term fitrah for human nature. Nafs encompassed a broad range of faculties including the qalb (heart), the ruh (soul), the aql (intellect) and irada (will).
Whilst Al Balkhi is believed to be one of the first to advocate for the role of psychotherapy to manage mood—“gentle encouraging talk that brings back some happiness” (Badri, 2013)—he is certainly not the only one, and other early Muslim scholars are also believed to have been pioneers in the development of an early form of an Islam ...
The conceptual tools of psychology aim to explain the complexity of phenomena that psychotherapists observe in their patients and within themselves, as well as to predict the outcome of therapy. Naturally, Muslim psychologists have sought ...
Sep 11, 2023 · Psychology has been the significant discipline since the time of antiquity which becomes more consolidated during the medieval age of Islam. It had a strong foundation in the professional writings of polymaths from the Islamic Middle Ages that were eventually transmitted to the West.
Dec 18, 2018 · Numerous texts by Muslim scholars described cognitive components of depression and sadness, anxiety and fear, obsessions, and anger in detail and suggested a variety of therapies and treatments. Al-Balkhi’s groundwork in developing cognitive therapy included a number of features that are recognized in today’s modern therapy.