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Metal-ceramic high-power sealed XRD tubes
- The comprehensive series of Empyrean Tubes are metal-ceramic high-power sealed XRD tubes designed for a wide range of demanding applications including: qualitative and quantitative powder diffraction; stress and texture analysis; layer thickness analysis (reflectivity), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), pair distribution function (PDF) analysis as well as analysis of heteroepitaxial layers (high- resolution measurements). tube_tcm50-52050.pdf
The Empyrean Tube allows simple, robust and reproducible changeover from line to point focus and vice versa. The focal spot has been optimized to maximize optical coupling and is available in the Long Fine Focus and Broad Focus types. The emission current for these designs can be up to 60 mA.
The Empyrean Tube is specially designed for PANalytical’s Empyrean, X’Pert PRO, X’Pert3, CubiX PRO and CubiX3 diffractometers. It integrates perfectly into the X-ray optical path, providing the best possible analytical performance.
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- Solutions to Maximize The Return on Your Investment
- Support
- Expertise
- Training and Education
To assure that your instrument remains in top condition and performs on the highest level, Malvern Panalytical offers a wide range of services. Our expertise and support services assure an optimal functioning of your instrument.
Service for a lifetime 1. Phone and remote support 2. Preventive maintenance and checkups 3. Flexible Customer Care Agreements 4. Performance certificates 5. Hardware and software upgrades 6. Local and global support
Adding value to your processes 1. Sample preparation development/optimization 2. Analytical methodologies 3. Turnkey solutions for XRD 4. Operations via IQ/OQ/PQ, quality assurance (GLP, ISO17025) or round robins/inter laboratory studies 5. Consultancy services
Training on-site or at our competence centersBroad range of basic and advanced courses on products, applications and softwareThe PANalytical Empyrean is a precision powder diffractometer for characterizing the composition of polycrystalline and oriented materials. The Empyrean is equipped with a molybdenum X-ray source which enables transmission mode measurements, pair-distribution function analysis, and measurements on iron- and cobalt-rich samples.
Empyrean has the highest angular resolution of any laboratory powder diffractometer and delivers data closest to synchrotron quality. Empyrean offers the widest range of non-ambient environments, under full control of the instrument software. Empyrean is ideal for high-quality research and teaching purposes alike. It offers all relevant diffraction
The Empyrean Tube allows simple, robust and reproducible changeover from line to point focus and vice versa. The focal spot has been optimized to maximize optical coupling and is available in the Long Fine Focus and Broad Focus types. The emission current for these designs can be up to 60 mA.
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The Empyrean Tube is the successor to Malvern Panalytical’s well-proven X’Pert Tube. Building on the company’s 25 year track record in ceramic tube technology, the Empyrean tube has been designed and optimized for Malvern Panalytical's Empyrean diffractometers.