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- In Islam, mental health, similar to physical health, is a very important aspect in a person’s well-being, as it is integral to living a healthy and balanced life. Religious scholars have also highlighted the importance of preserving one’s mind and included the preservation of the mind as one of the key and essential elements to be protected.
What is Mental Health? Mental health is our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Mental health does not only affect the way we think, feel, and act but also how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is not limited to emotional problems.
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The Journal of Muslim Mental Health is an interdisciplinary...
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- The 3 Obstacles
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- In Conclusion
First, some Muslims may believe that mental issues are correlated to their level of religiosity. For example, they may believe that if a Muslim is not fully practicing the religion, then God will punish them with mental illness, especially with depression, because true Muslims should live a life of peace, the literal meaning of Islam. Observant Mus...
When providing culturally sensitive therapy to Muslim clients, professionals and counselors should keep those three cultural obstacles in mind. They should debunk the myth of the correlation between Islam and mental health. Liberal Muslims are less likely to believe that depression is correlated with religiosity, while conservative Muslims may beli...
Muslims are a heterogenous group with liberals (nominal or modern) and conservatives (observant or traditional)—each of whom has different engagements with the Islamic scriptures. Traditional and conservative Muslims may hold hostile views against Western psychology given the history between the Islamic Golden Age and the Enlightenment Era. Therefo...
As the fastest growing religion in the United States, [3] and the minority group with the highest likelihood of facing psychosocial insult, [4] researchers have identified culturally-incompetent mental health care as one of the major obstacles preventing Muslims from seeking or continuing care. [4]
Jun 18, 2020 · What Defines Mental Health? In Islam, mental health, similar to physical health, is a very important aspect in a person’s well-being, as it is integral to living a healthy and balanced life. Religious scholars have also highlighted the importance of preserving one’s mind and included the preservation of the mind as one of the key and ...
May 13, 2022 · What is the role of faith in Muslim mental health and wellbeing? Does more religiosity lead to less depression and anxiety? How does religion affect mental health?
Muslim populations in Western countries are growing, and they face biopsychosocial, spiritual, and economic challenges. Although Islam gives utmost attention to mental health stability, Muslims tend to underutilize mental health services.
The Islamic Psychology line integrates traditional Islamic principles and psychology to develop an Islamically orientated-approach to psychotherapy. It aims to bridge modern psychology and Islamic principles to destigmatize mental health.