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Aug 29, 2023 · So, it comes as no surprise that our feline friends have inspired so many movies about cats, whether it’s an eye-opening documentary like Kedi or a feel-good Disney film like The Aristocats. Whether you’re searching for good options to watch with the family or planning a special movie night with your kitty, keep reading for 25 movies about cats that you can stream on Amazon Prime , Disney+ ...
- Amazon Prime
Perhaps you’re in the mood for some wholesome, feel-good...
- Disney
Inspired by the true story behind the making of the 1964...
- The 50 Best Dog Movies of All Time
9. Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993) . Cast:...
- Get Along Well
Goldens are an example of a breed that gets along well with...
- Amazon Prime
- 10 The Aristocats
- 9 Puss in Boots
- 8 Garfield: The Movie
- 7 Shrek 2
- 6 Keanu
- 5 Tom & Jerry
- 4 A Street Cat Named Bob
- 3 Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey
- 2 The Rabbi's Cat
- 1 That Darn Cat!
The Aristocats is a timeless classic that tells the story of a family of cats living a life of luxury in Paris. The movie revolves around Duchess, the mother cat, and her three kittens, who are on an adventure to return home. The film is a delight for cat lovers, showcasing the cats' unique personalities, quirks, and love for each other. From the p...
Puss in Boots is an animated film that is a treat for all cat lovers. The movie revolves around the adventures of the titular character, Puss in Boots, a charismatic cat with a mysterious past. He teams up with Humpty Dumpty and Kitty Softpaws to steal the legendary magic beans from the evil Jack and Jill. The film is a delightful mix of humor, act...
Garfield: The Movie is a delightful film for cat lovers of all ages. Based on the popular comic strip by Jim Davis, the movie follows the adventures of Garfield, a lazy cat who loves lasagna and hates Mondays. The film brings the beloved character to life with its charming animation and witty humor. Garfield is voiced by the talented Bill Murray, w...
Shrek 2 was the highly anticipated sequel to the original hit film Shrek. The story follows the lovable ogre Shrek and his wife Fiona as they navigate the ups and downs of married life and the challenges of being in-laws. What sets this film apart is its loveable feline character, Puss in Boots. Voiced by Antonio Banderas, Puss is a charming and hi...
Keanu is an action-comedy movie that follows two friends, Rell and Clarence, as they embark on a hilarious journey to rescue a stolen kitten named Keanu. Throughout the film, Keanu is not just a cute and cuddly kitten but also a source of comedy. The film also features an all-star cast, including Jordan Peele and Keegan-Michael Key, who bring their...
Tom & Jerry is a live-action/animated movie highly recommended for all cat lovers. The movie brings together two of the most iconic characters in animation, Tom and Jerry, and presents a hilarious story. The film follows Tom, a house cat, and Jerry, a mouse, as they find themselves in a luxurious hotel in New York City. As they engage in their time...
A Street Cat Named Bob is a tale of a struggling street musician and his feline companion, Bob. This film follows the journey of James Bowen as he battles addiction and homelessness, with Bob serving as his loyal companion and source of inspiration. Not only is this movie a touching portrayal of the bond between a man and his cat, but it's also a c...
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey is an adventure film that follows the journey of three beloved pets - a cat named Sassy, a dog named Shadow, and a bulldog named Chance - as they travel across the rugged Sierra Mountains to reunite with their owners. This movie is a timeless classic for all ages. Sassy, the sleek and sassy Himalayan cat, stea...
The Rabbi's Cat is a beautifully animated film that follows the adventures of a curious feline and its owner, a rabbi in Algeria. After eating the rabbi's parrot, the cat gains the ability to speak and uses its newfound voice to comment on the world around it. The film blends humor and heart in an entertaining and touching way, making it a great ch...
That Darn Cat!, directed by Robert Stevenson, is a classic comedy film that is sure to bring a smile to the faces of cat lovers everywhere. The film is based on the novel Undercover Cat by Gordon and Mildred Gordon. It follows the adventures of a mischievous feline, D.C., who becomes involved in a kidnapping case and teams up with his teenage owner...
- Victor Garrett
- A Street Cat Named Bob (2016) Directed by Roger Spottiswoode. Starring Luke Treadaway, Ruta Gedmintas, Joanne Froggatt. Biography, Drama, Family (1h 43m)
- The Aristocats (1970) Directed by Wolfgang Reitherman. Starring Phil Harris, Eva Gabor, Sterling Holloway. Animation, Adventure, Comedy (1h 18m) 7.1 on IMDb — 64% on RT.
- That Darn Cat! (1965) Directed by Robert Stevenson. Starring Hayley Mills, Dean Jones, Dorothy Provine. Comedy, Crime, Family (1h 56m) 6.7 on IMDb — 94% on RT.
- Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (2022) Directed by Joel Crawford and Januel Mercado. Starring Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Olivia Colman. Animation, Adventure, Comedy (1h 42m)
- Garfield. Oh, man! Who doesn’t remember the lasagna-loving, Monday-hating, orange tabby cat named Garfield? Created by Jim Davis, this chubby feline has been a staple in many of our childhoods.
- The Cat From Outer Space. Alright, folks, buckle up for this one! Ever thought about what would happen if a cat from, well, outer space landed on Earth?
- Nine Lives. Okay, confession time: haven’t we all, at some point, wondered what it’d be like to be a cat? Just me? Alright then. But, for real, “Nine Lives” takes this concept and runs wild with it.
- Pet Sematary. Alright, switching gears here. For those who love a good chill down their spine, “Pet Sematary” is where it’s at. Based on Stephen King’s novel, this isn’t your typical cuddly cat story.
Filled with memorable songs and endearing characters, this movie is a must-watch for cat lovers of all ages. 2. “The Secret Life of Pets” (2016): Although this movie focuses on various pets, including dogs, cats play an integral role in the story.
Oct 29, 2024 · The bulk of these movies featuring cats are great for kids, though the whole family, including adult audiences, can also find something to love here. New or old, this list has you covered. This crowd-ranked list, enriched by contributions from movie buffs like you, goes beyond being a simple catalogue of good cat movies.
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Mar 29, 2024 · The whole thing is narrated by the cat too, which adds to its unique charm. True cat lovers — and anyone who loves animals — will laugh and cry (in a good way!) with this one. 3. That Darn Cat! (1965) When a mysterious bank robbery occurs, a Siamese cat just so happens to pick up the only clue that can crack the case. This memorable ‘60s ...