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Dominance score is computed by averaging items: 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 (reversed), 11, 12 (reversed), 16. Prestige score is computed by averaging items: 1, 2 (reversed), 4, 6 (reversed), 8, 13, 14, 15, 17 (reversed).
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I'm particularly interested in the psychological bases of...
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Toward a Unified Science of Hierarchy: Dominance and...
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In the right doses and the right contexts, it has been...
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Two ways to the top: Evidence that dominance and prestige...
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Psychology Student Participants. If you are a UBC student...
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Nonverbal communication of Dominance and Prestige. his line...
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In evolutionary psychology and evolutionary anthropology, dual strategies theory states humans increase their status in social hierarchies using two major strategies known as dominance and prestige. The first and oldest of the two strategies, dominance, is exemplified by the use of force, implied force or other forms of coercion to take social ...
Jan 17, 2022 · The 17-item Dominance-Prestige Scale (Cheng et al., 2010) was used to analyze respondent’s tendencies toward two general status-striving orientations: dominance (e.g., “I enjoy having control over others”) and prestige (e.g., “Members of my peer group respect and admire me”).
The Dominance-Prestige Account not only allows for and predicts the diversity of results that have emerged in the prior lit-erature, but also goes beyond many prior descriptive accounts to provide a deep theoretical explanation for the extant body of work.
In two studies, we investigated the impact of two fundamental strategies—Dominance 33 (the use of force and intimidation to induce fear) and Prestige (the sharing of expertise or know-34 how to gain respect)—on the attainment of social status, which we conceptualized as the
May 1, 2019 · Prestige and dominance are thought to be two evolutionarily distinct routes to gaining status and influence in human social hierarchies. Prestige is attained by having specialist knowledge or skills that others wish to learn, whereas dominant individuals use threat or fear to gain influence over others.
People also ask
What is the Dominance-Prestige Scale?
What is prestige & dominance?
Why is dominance less stable than prestige?
Does prestige affect dominance status-striving?
Is there domain-specificity of prestige and dominance hierarchies?
Do prestige and dominance predict social influence within groups?
Dominant and Prestigious targets each received greater visual attention than targets low on either dimension. Together, these findings demonstrate that Dominance and Prestige are distinct yet both viable strategies for ascending the social hierarchy, consistent with evolutionary theory.