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    • 529 million bushels

      • Durum and Other Spring Wheat production in 2023/24 are collectively estimated at 529 million bushels, down 3 percent from the previous year.
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  2. Oct 11, 2023 · Pressures on barley, canola, yellow peas, spring wheat, durum and red lentils will be stronger than for the East’s winter wheat and corn. We expect soybean production to remain profitable throughout the outlook period.

  3. Apr 26, 2023 · In the West, expected fall revenues will boost strong profitability for canola, durum wheat and red lentils, with yellow peas, barley, and spring wheat margins still positive but closer to break-even.

  4. Durum and Other Spring Wheat production in 2023/24 are collectively estimated at 529 million bushels, down 3 percent from the previous year. Durum production for Arizona was lowered fractionally in the June 9 USDA, NASS Crop Production report, while California Durum production was unchanged.

  5. Nov 21, 2023 · Wheat (excluding durum) For 2023-24, total wheat supply is forecast at 29.1 Mt, down 8% compared to 2022 and 6% below average levels. Total wheat production came in at just under 25.8 Mt, 2.7 Mt less than in 2022 due to lower yields caused by the dry weather across the Prairies. The quality of 2023 Canadian Western Red Spring (CWRS) wheat, the ...

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    For 2022-23, Canadian durum production increased 80% from 2021-22 to 5.4 million tonnes (Mt), with the bulk of the crop rated in the top two tiers according to the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC). Total supply increased by 57%, constrained by tight carry-in stocks. Exports are forecast at 4.8 Mt, that is 79% of the total supply with strong demand coming from Italy and North Africa. Domestic use remains steady at 0.7 Mt and stocks are forecast to close at 0.5 Mt, down 12% year-on-year and 54%...


    For 2022-23,Canadian wheat production increased 46% from 2021-22 to 28.4 Mt, with the bulk of the crop rated in the top two tiers according to the CGC. Total supply increased by 28%, constrained by tight carry-in stocks. Domestic use is projected at 8.3 Mt, down 11% year-on-year due to less feed use. The export forecast was raised to 19.3 Mt on the continuing strong pace to-date. According to the CGC, export volumes to the end of January are now outpacing last year’s levels by 70%. Top destin...


    For 2022-23, Canadian barley supplies are projected at 10.6 million tonnes (Mt), up sharply from last year’s record low of 7.9 Mt. This is primarily due to a rebound in production compensating for record low carry-in stocks. As a result of the recovery in supply, demand for both domestic use and exports are expected to increase significantly from last year. Total domestic use is forecast at 6.0 Mt, up 28% from last year on higher feed and industrial use. Total exports are projected at 3.7 Mt,...


    For 2022-23, Canadian corn supply is projected at 19.3 Mt, down 16% from last year’s record high, due to sharply lower imports more than offsetting larger production and carry-in stocks. Total domestic use is predicted at 14.9 Mt, down considerably from last year, primarily on lower feed use. Exports are forecast at 1.8 Mt, on par with last year’s level, but a significant increase from the previous five-year average. Carry-out stocks are projected at 2.6 Mt, down 5% from last year’s record hi...


    For 2022-23, Canadian oat supply is projected at 5.6 Mt, up sharply from last year’s nineteen-year low and becoming the highest on record. This is primarily due to the rebound in production compensating for record low carry-in stocks. As a result of the recovery in supply, demand for both domestic use and exports is expected to increase significantly from the previous year. Total domestic use is forecast at 1.7 Mt, up sharply from last year on higher feed use. Total exports are projected at 2...


    For 2022-23, Canada seeded 8.7 million hectares (Mha) to canola, and harvested 8.6 Mha, while yields returned to a more normal 2.11 tonnes per hectare (t/ha) following the previous year’s drought. Production is estimated at 18.2 million tonnes (Mt). By province, Saskatchewan grew 9.5 Mt of canola, Alberta (5.6 Mt) and Manitoba (2.9 Mt). Total supply is estimated at 19.1 Mt as the rise in output is moderated by tight carry-in stocks. Usage is forecast to return to historically normal levels wi...


    For 2022-23, Canada seeded and harvested 0.32 Mha and 0.31 Mha of flaxseed, respectively, producing 0.47 Mt on yields of 1.5 t/ha. Total supply is estimated at 0.57 Mt, up 38% from last year, on higher production and carry-in stocks. Exports are forecast down 32% from last year to 0.15 Mt on decreased Asian buying. The prediction is supported by STC’s December Stocks report which showed shipments out of the country falling by 49% from the same time last year. Most out-of-country shipments are...


    For 2022-23, farmers planted 2.13 Mha to soybeans in Canada, versus 2.15 Mha last year, with a harvested area of 2.12 Mha. Production was 6.5 Mt, versus 6.2 Mt in 2021-22. The province of Ontario is the largest producer of soybeans in Canada at almost 4.0 Mt, followed by the provinces of Manitoba and Quebec, which grew 1.3 and 1.1 Mt of soybeans, respectively. Total supply is forecast to increase to 7.2 Mt, on higher production and carry-in combined with stable imports. Exports are forecast t...

    Dry peas

    For 2022-2023, exports are expected to rise to 2.5 million tonnes (Mt) largely due to increased exports to Bangladesh. Carry-out stocks are forecast to increase by 311 thousand tonnes (Kt) from the previous year, in line with the rise in supply. The average price is expected to be sharply lower than the record 2021-2022 levels, with lower prices for all types of dry peas. During the month of January, the on-farm price of yellow and green peas in Saskatchewan were unchanged. This was largely d...


    For 2022-2023, exports are forecast to increase sharply to 2.3 Mt with strong import demand from India and Turkey. With higher supply and increased exports, carry-out stocks are expected to fall. This will continue to be supportive of lentil prices throughout 2022-2023, albeit lower than the record prices in 2021-2022. During the month of January, the on-farm price of large green lentils fell $10/t and red lentils in Saskatchewan decreased by $30/t. Prices have been pressured by a large Austr...

    Dry Beans

    For 2022-2023, exports are forecast to be lower than 2021-2022. The EU and the US remain the top two export markets. Carry-out stocks are forecast to decrease from 2021-2022. The average Canadian dry bean price is expected to decrease due to larger supply in North America. To-date, Canadian white pea bean prices are 2% lower, pinto bean prices are 15% lower and black beans are 5% lower than last year. US total dry bean production (excluding chickpeas) is estimated by the USDA at nearly 1.2 Mt...

    Historical principal field crops data are available in spreadsheet format and can be obtained by emailing Please specify crops, crop years, and preferred file format in your request.

  6. Apr 26, 2023 · At the national level, farmers anticipate planting 27.0 million acres of wheat in 2023, up 6.2% from the previous year. Spring wheat area (+7.5% to 19.4 million acres), durum wheat area (+0.9% to 6.1 million acres) and winter wheat area (+12.7% to 1.5 million acres) are all expected to increase.

  7. All Wheat Durum For 2023-24, production of Canadian durum is estimated at 4.0 million tonnes (Mt), 30% less than last year’s volume, due to dry and hot weather throughout the growing season. Statistics Canada’s (STC) December estimate was revised down from the 4.1 Mt forecast in their September report.

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