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About the SNA. The System of National Accounts (SNA) is the internationally agreed standard set of recommendations on how to compile measures of economic activity. The SNA describes a...
- Historic Versions of The SNA
The 1993 SNA represents a major advance in national...
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Seminar on National Accounts of Latin America- 2011 ICP and...
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These data are also available from the National Accounts...
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The System of National Accounts (SNA) is the internationally...
- Iswgna
Intersecretariat Working Group on National Accounts (ISWGNA)...
- About
Intersecretariat Working Group on National Accounts (ISWGNA)...
- The System of National Accounts 1993 1993 SNA
The System of National Accounts consists of an integrated...
- Historic Versions of The SNA
Principles for valuation. 2 There has been quite some discussion on the valuation principles of the SNA. Some argue in favour of “market prices”, which is how it is currently framed in the 2008...
The general principles for valuing transactions and positions. When it comes to recording transactions, the principal aim of the SNA is to arrive at market prices, i.e. the prices paid...
directions in green national accounting. The discussion then proceeds to review in more detail some basic valuation concepts and outlines whether the extent to which non-valuation is...
- Income as An Aggregate Measure of Economic Activity, Not Welfare
- Market Prices and Exchange Values
- The Rationale For Exchange Values in National Accounting
- The National Accounts Boundary For valuation
- The Estimation of Exchange Values For Non-Monetary Transactions
It is important to recognize that the System of National Accounts (SNA) does not consider its measures of income as measures of welfare. The 1993 SNA states a “link [exists] between changes in aggregate production and consumption and changes in welfare. However, changes in the volume of consumption, for example are not the same as changes in welfar...
The core national accounts valuation concept is the application of market prices noting that this term is defined very specifically for national accounting purposes. From a strict national accounting perspective, “market prices are the amounts of money that willing purchasers pay to acquire goods, services or assets from willing sellers” (EC et al....
The differences between exchanges values and shadow prices reflect two fundamental aspects of measurement in national accounting. First, as noted in the SNA, an exchange value “should not necessarily be construed as equivalent to a free market price; that is, a market transaction should not be interpreted as occurring exclusively in a purely compet...
Central to the question of the integration of ecosystem information into standard measures of income and wealth is the current measurement boundary for aggregates such as GDP. GDP is defined by a production boundary, where production is defined initially in general terms as incorporating “activity carried out under the control and responsibility of...
In addition to reconsidering the production boundary, there is a need to consider the application of exchange values in non-market situations. A key question when accounting for ecosystem services is how the concept of exchange value can be applied when non-monetary transactions are involved (Campos and Caparrós 2011; Edens and Hein 2013). While, t...
- Carl Obst, Lars Hein, Bram Edens
- 2016
The aims of this paper are (1) to discuss the basic principles of valuation as they apply to balance sheets in the SNA; (2) to review the structure of the reconciliation accounts in the SNA and the Provisional Guidelines and the ability of these accounts to explain adequately differences that exist between changes in balance-sheet positions and ...
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description of an economy. National accounts provide systematic and detailed economic data useful for economic analysis to support the development and monitoring of policy-making. This article provides a brief description of various types of accounts in the EU. General features of national accounts