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Riihimäki is a city of events. The city's great location and vibrant cultural activities offer versatile opportunities for various events. The Riihimäki Easter, Arts Night and other events that have already become beloved by the townspeople have reached their established status.
The event calendar information is updated on the website via the event calendar HämeEvents portal. You can familiarize yourself with all Riihimäki's events on the website of the event calendar. In addition, you can read more about the events organized by the city on the city's website for events.
Riihimäki’s hometown atmosphere comes from everyday encounters. Popular events like Riihimäki Easter, Granit Square summer gigs or winter events make people come together and enjoy the unique atmosphere of the small town.
A summer chamber music event that brings international artists and stars of the future to the stage alongside top Finnish musicians appearing as soloists and in ensembles of all sizes. The music reaches every corner of the town, providing memorable experiences for listeners of all ages.
Riihimäen seudulla on ympäri vuoden pieniä ja suuria tapahtumia kaikenikäisille. Kansainväliset Erämessut, monipuolinen kulttuuritarjonta sekä erilaiset tori- ja markkinatapahtumat viihdyttävät ja tarjoavat elämyksiä tapahtumakävijöille läheltä ja kaukaa.
May 31, 2022 · The selection of events includes music, culture and sports. Whether you are spending your day with only adults or with the whole family, there is something for everyone in Häme’s summer events! The International Sportsmen’s Fair ”Riihimäen Erämessut” 50 years!
Kesätorit ovat perinteinen ja kiva tapahtuma torstaisin. Musiikki tarjonta on laadukasta: Syrjä soi -konsertti, Kun ilta tummentuu –konsertti (esiintyjinä Angelika Klas, Seppo Hovi ja Hannu Lehtonen) sekä Rautalankavääntö.