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  2. Jul 7, 2022 · The big bad of Stranger Things season 4 is a humanoid monster with black skin and movable vines that protrude from his entire body. While he lives in the Upside Down, Vecna can...

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    Vecna is the main antagonist from the fourth season of Stranger Things. He is portrayed by Jamie Campbell Bower as an adult and by Raphael Luce as a child.

    A fearsome entity aligned with the Upside Down, Vecna had humble origins as the human Henry Creel. In childhood, Henry experienced a traumatic incident involving stolen government technology and a shadowy entity; after this, Henry's family noticed a permanent shift in his personality.

    After moving to a new home in Hawkins in 1959, the young Henry discovered he had remarkable psychic and psychokinetic abilities. Henry used his powers to psychologically torture his family, eventually killing his mother and sister. After Henry’s father, Victor, was falsely presumed to be the killer, Victor was imprisoned and driven further into madness.

    These events would draw the interest of Dr. Martin Brenner, who took Henry to Hawkins National Laboratory to be studied; he was designated 001, becoming the laboratory's first child test subject. Brenner implanted "Soteria" into Henry's neck, a miniature device that suppressed his powers and apparently tracked his movements; in Henry's own words, he had become a "prisoner". In time, Henry became one of several orderlies who assisted Brenner and attended the lab. Brenner would go on to replicate Henry's powers in seventeen other child test subjects, who also had their movements and lives restricted to the lab's confines.

    In 1979, Henry tricked test subject Eleven into removing the Soteria chip with her powers. In a fit of rage, Henry used his restored powers to brutally murder the other test subjects and workers, and attempted to do the same to Eleven. However, Eleven stood her ground and ultimately overpowered him, sending him through a gate to an alternate dimension; there, he gradually transformed into the being known as Vecna. He became an explorer of the realm, discovering an exotic, storm-like mass of particles, and used his powers to reconstitute it into a giant, spider-like entity; a being that would come to be known as “the Mind Flayer”.

    In 1983, Eleven accidentally opened a gate to the Upside Down when she was forced to make contact with the hive mind. Vecna, acting through the Mind Flayer and the hive mind, made two separate attempts to eradicate humanity in 1984 and 1985; he first possessed Will Byers and sent a army of adolescent Demogorgons to attack Hawkins Lab, before going on to possess a large group of humans and using their flesh to create a gigantic spider-like monster in the image of the Mind Flayer. In both instances, Eleven and her allies ultimately thwarted Vecna’s plans by closing the gates to the Upside Down.

    Birth and early life

    Henry Creel was born sometime between 1945 and 1950 to Victor and Virginia Creel, and had a sister named Alice. He did not fit in with his peers; his father described him as a "sensitive" boy. According to Henry, his teachers and doctors said he was "broken".


    Multiple accounts of Henry's childhood and teenage years exist. One account outlining some of these events came from Henry himself. Henry's account of his life took two forms: both as a speech he delivered to Eleven, and as a "mindscape" version of Henry's thoughts and memories that Nancy Wheeler was forced to experience. However, a second, apparently objective account of Henry's life appears to contradict parts of Henry's account. Since Henry was a man with "broken memories", his account of events can not necessarily be trusted or assumed to provide a complete picture. According to the alternative account, Henry spent much of his childhood living with his family in Rachel, Nevada. One day, Henry explored a nearby cave system while playing with a spyglass. While exploring, Henry stumbled across pieces of scientific equipment stolen from the Nevada Experiment. The equipment unexpectedly activated; Henry and the scientist who stole the equipment were temporarily transported to Dimension X, killing the scientist in the process. In the alternate world, Henry saw glimpses of strange creatures and was exposed to the influence of a shadowy entity. Henry survived the ordeal and eventually returned home after 12 hours, but with wildly different blood, and an altered personality. Another scientist working on the Nevada Experiment, Dr. Martin Brenner, later recovered the stolen equipment, also finding the spyglass belonging to Henry. Following the incident, Henry apparently lost control and paralysed another boy, which was one factor behind Victor and Virginia deciding to move the family out of Nevada. According to this account, it was Henry’s exposure to the Mind Flayer at a young age that led him to develop special psychokinetic abilities. This appears to contradict Henry's own account of events, in which Henry discovered the Mind Flayer and Dimension X at a much later stage in his life. According to yet another account, the Creels lived in South Bend before relocating to Hawkins.

    Henry Creel was an individual with a highly warped psychology; after encountering a shadowy entity as a child, his family noticed a permanent shift in his personality. Henry was also a man with "broken memories" and had conflicting accounts of his past, making it difficult to keep track of his motives and traits across time.

    Though the shadowy entity seemingly forced Henry to murder his family members in 1959, the fully adult, "orderly" version of Henry appeared to be motivated by a genuine lust for violence. Immediately prior to his initial confrontation with Eleven in 1979, Henry revealed himself as deeply misanthropic, deeming the whole of humanity to be a race of corrupt, deluded parasites and "a unique type of pest". He condemned human society as an artificial, pointless construction which denied the underlying order of nature.

    Henry deemed powerful creatures to be inherently superior and better than the weak, a perspective reflected in his admiration of black widow spiders, which he viewed as the "gods" of the animal kingdom. In his view, the predatory black widows brought "balance and order to an unstable ecosystem". Henry saw himself in a similar light due to possessing special abilities.

    Henry dismissed all aspects of society - specifically mentioning units of time, like "seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks [and] months" - as nothing more than elaborate lies. Similarly, sufferers of Vecna's curse would see the Creel grandfather clock eerily imposed upon their surroundings, unusually embedded in the side of a tree, or in the side of a wall. Through this subverted image, Henry articulated his disdain for the concept of ordered time, and on a broader level, the constructed nature of human society in general.

    Furthermore, Henry possessed a sadistic and cruel nature; he would go out of his way to torture and torment his victims, forcing them to re-live their trauma. After Henry transforms into the being known as Vecna, he becomes even more malevolent, delighting in the torment he inflicts upon others. In his mindscape, corpses of his victims are displayed in a horrific fashion, showing that Vecna prides himself on his unspeakable actions.

    Henry would prove to be highly manipulative and cunning when he convinced Eleven to remove the 'Soteria' neck chip suppressing his powers. Although his kind demeanor proved to be a facade, he seemed to show genuine interest in furthering his friendship with Eleven; however, Eleven had no interest in helping Henry and quickly turned against him.

    After Eleven forcefully transported Henry to the Upside Down, he fell through the dimension for a lengthy period, during which he was horrifically burned and disfigured by lightning strikes. As Henry explored the mysterious realm, what remained of his Hawkins Lab attire degraded into rags, and his pupils, one after the other, turned pale and mist-like.

    After coming into contact with the pre-formed version of the Mind Flayer, his appearance transformed in an even more dramatic fashion. Though his figure remained mostly humanoid, his internal biology became deeply intertwined with the roots and vines of the Upside Down, replacing much of his original body. In addition, his human nose disappeared, and his left hand became elongated, with talons for fingers. Only a measly patch of pale, exposed flesh on Vecna's chest - healing skin deprived of sunlight - suggested that this being could have ever been human in origin.

    Telepathy and Psychic Projection

    Henry Creel could reach into the minds of others, using his victims' memories and fears against them. He could cast his consciousness beyond his body to explore the private lives of the townspeople of Hawkins, Indiana. Vecna's telepathic ability rested within him, but by physically connecting to the vines of the Upside Down via juncture points in his back, he would become immersed in a meditative state, strengthening his powers.

    Mental Manipulation

    Vecna would cause his victims to hallucinate against their will; he would augment or replace their usual perception of reality with non-existent phenomena of his choosing. He hoped to psychologically 'break' his victims by exploiting their memories, trauma and mental health issues; he would tailor and personalize each hallucination to maximize the destabilizing effect on the victim's mental state. Though the hallucinations varied greatly from victim to victim, Vecna had a 'calling card' of sorts: as the curse ritual entered its final stage, Vecna's targets would see an antique grandfather clock - a peculiar relic from Henry's childhood - eerily imposed onto the world around them.

    Mindscape Creation

    At some point, Vecna gained the ability to conjure vivid imaginary locations, and through his curse power, could make his victims hallucinate themselves inhabiting these locations. The most distinctive of these locations was a representation of Vecna's own mind; this realm was enveloped in crimson fog, and littered with organic black structures with a spire-like appearance. Most notably, a deconstructed and fragmented version of Henry's childhood home laid at the realm's center.


    A miniature device of unknown technology that neutralizes a person's psychokinetic abilities when implanted.


    If Henry makes excessive and continued use of his psychic abilities, he risks becoming severely fatigued. Henry explained to Eleven how he over-exerted himself as a child, causing him to pass out and enter a coma for several weeks.


    Music can reach sensitive areas of the human brain that words alone cannot. If Vecna's victim is exposed to music from the real world, it will likely disrupt or influence their hallucinations; by gaining "a lifeline to reality", a victim may find the emotional strength to survive and escape Vecna's wrath, and return to reality. Victims Victor Creel and Max Mayfield were exposed to music, and thus found the strength to escape their deaths.


    Victor Creel After learning of his father's actions during his time in the war, Henry concluded that his father was a despicable person and deserved to be tortured and forced to 'face his demons'. Victor is the only member of the family to remain alive to the present day. Virginia Creel Henry despised his mother for nurturing the notion that he was a troubled and broken child. Her apparent lack of understanding about his true nature fueled his desire to kill her. She was the first of the family to die. Alice Creel It is unknown exactly how Henry felt for his younger sister but likely saw her as he saw everyone else; abhorrently ordinary and unexceptional, a child who fit the societal mold of conformity. Alice was the last member of the family to be attacked and killed before Henry slipped into a coma.


    Dr. Martin Brenner Though Dr. Brenner promised to help Henry, the boy saw nothing redeemable in the doctor, believing him to have only his own interests at heart. Henry felt controlled and held back as a test subject and sought to fight against Brenner's authority. This, however, led to Brenner suppressing Henry's powers with Soteria and removing him from the testing group. He kept him on as an orderly so that he could monitor his actions and would occasionally resort to torture to keep him in control. Eventually, Henry was freed of Brenner's control through the help of a young Eleven and massacred the majority of his fellow test subjects before knocking Brenner unconscious. Henry was ultimately defeated by Eleven and teleported to an unknown parallel dimension, causing Brenner to grow even more interested in Eleven's capabilities. Though resentful of Henry for murdering his other test subjects, Brenner felt guilty and believed to have failed to "help" his first test subject, which drove him to test Eleven's abilities through various experiments when in reality he was actually concerned with locating Henry in the "darkness." It was during one of these experiments that Eleven accidentally opened a gate between Hawkins and the other dimension eventually known as "the Upside Down," allowing Henry, later known by Eleven and her friends as Vecna, to send the creatures of the Upside Down under his control to wreck havoc on Hawkins. HNL test subjects (002-007, 009-010, 012-018) Henry held the younger test subjects, particularly Two and his friend group (Three, Four, and Five), in contempt, with the sole exception of Eleven. He despised the way her peers had ostracized her, which he believed was due to their own fears and impotence. Henry kept his spite to himself; however, after his powers were restored in 1979, he immediately committed a massacre, killing all the other test subjects except Eleven. Eleven For several years, Henry worked as an orderly in Hawkins Laboratory under the orders of Martin Brenner and developed a particular liking to Eleven, sympathizing with her for being frequently bullied by her peers. Unbeknownst to Eleven and her fellow test subjects, Henry was actually test subject One and the first of their kind, with Brenner having kept his existence from the younger test subjects a secret. Henry gave Eleven the advice of tapping into her darkest memories and channel her rage and grief to augment her powers, an advice that allowed her to beat Two in a combat-based exercise. Despite generally respecting Eleven, Henry nevertheless had no qualms with manipulating her into removing the chip that suppressed his powers. Once his powers were restored, Henry massacred the other children upon regaining his abilities, claiming he did it to save Eleven when he only did because he saw the other subjects as being weak. However, Eleven was disgusted and horrified by Henry's actions, with their relationship quickly becoming antagonistic; Henry and Eleven became engaged in psychokinetic combat, with Eleven using her powers to banish Henry to an alternate dimension. From this point forward, the transformed Henry treated Eleven as his sworn enemy, continually seeking to destroy her and her friends. The Mind Flayer Henry Creel had a complex relationship with the "Mind Flayer" entity; it was not necessarily clear which being had a greater influence over the Upside Down and its hive mind. When Vecna initially re-emerged as a threat to Hawkins in 1986, Dustin believed he was akin to the Mind Flayer's "five-star general". However, when Vecna psychically trapped Eleven within his Mind Lair, Vecna told Eleven that he had been control of the Upside Down the entire time. Vecna explained that he had discovered a dormant version of the Mind Flayer entity upon being trapped in Dimension X, describing it as “the most extraordinary thing of all”. Using his psychic powers, Henry gave the Mind Flayer its gigantic, spider-like form and established a psychic connection with the entity, forming a kind of symbiotic relationship. Furthermore, Vecna had apparently been acting through the entity in both 1984 and 1985. However, according to one account, the relationship between Henry and the entity began much, much earlier, in the 1950s. According to this account, Henry spent much of his childhood living with his family in Rachel, Nevada. One day, Henry explored a nearby cave system while playing with a spyglass. While exploring, Henry stumbled across pieces of scientific equipment stolen from the Nevada Experiment. The equipment unexpectedly activated; Henry and the scientist who stole the equipment were temporarily transported to Dimension X, killing the scientist in the process. In the alternate world, Henry was exposed to the influence of the Mind Flayer entity; from that point on, the entity served as a negative influence on Henry, forcing him to kill various animals and eventually kill his family members. For reasons unclear, Henry seemed unaware of the entity's influence over him when he spoke in 1979 and 1986, with him describing how he consciously chose to kill his family, and that he had apparently never been to Dimension X before 1979. Though Vecna clearly believed he controlled the hive mind, Dustin's initial assumption that Vecna served as the Mind Flayer's five-star general was possibly accurate after all, even if Vecna himself didn't realise it. The Demogorgon Since all the creatures within the Upside Down share a hive mind, the Demogorgons are all connected to Henry through this hive mind, and act according to his bidding. Will Byers Vecna played an indirect role in Will's kidnapping at the hands of the Demogorgon before possessing him via the Mind Flayer. Through the Mind Flayer, Vecna tried to destroy Will, Eleven and their loved ones in 1984 and 1985, only for the protagonists to thwart their plans, in part thanks to Will's connection to the Upside Down's unique hive mind, which enabled him to anticipate when the Mind Flayer would attack. It was not until spring 1986 that Will was finally informed of Vecna's existence and he tried to help Eleven fight him by building a makeshift sensory deprivation tank, enhancing her abilities to a point so she could fight the creature from their current location in Nevada. Upon returning to Hawkins, Will explained to Mike that he originally believed it was the Mind Flayer to have connected him to the Upside Down, but he finally understood that Vecna had been behind the attacks and trauma they and their friends had endured these last years, with the Mind Flayer and the other creatures of the alternate dimension under his control. Will could sense how badly Vecna had been injured by Nancy, Steve and Robin and feel his rage and sheer determination to eradicate all of humanity, which led Will to declare that they needed to destroy Vecna for the sake of the residents of Hawkins and the rest of the world. Billy Hargrove When a fragment of the Mind Flayer was reawakened from its dormant state by the Soviets opening a gate to the Upside Down in Hawkins, Vecna had the Mind Flayer possess Billy and turned him into his loyal minion; Billy was used to kidnap dozens of Hawkins civillians, who were sacrificed in favor of creating a proxy form for the Mind Flayer, which would allow Vecna to eradicate humanity. However, Eleven managed to reawaken Billy's humanity, and he was mortally wounded by the Mind Flayer's proxy form during his attempts to protect Eleven from it. Months later, Vecna was revealed to be in control of the Upside Down, the Mind Flayer and all the other creatures connected to the hive mind, making him responsible for the deaths of many Hawkins citizens, including Billy. In his plan to weaken the barrier between the human world and the Upside Down, Vecna targeted Billy's stepsister Max Mayfield, who was left with depression and survivor's guilt as a result of witnessing Billy's gruesome death. After possessing and cornering Max, Vecna mocked her and stated that while she was braver than Billy, she was ultimately weak and fragile, and nothing could stop him from "breaking" her. Chrissy Cunningham Despite her popularity in Hawkins High as the captain of the cheerleading team, Chrissy became the first victim of Vecna's curse. She secretly suffered from bulimia and her mother was a controlling woman who abused her physically and emotionally, causing Vecna to use these secrets to slowly drive Chrissy to a breaking point through horrifying illusions. After a week of torment and desperate for a cure, Chrissy met with Eddie Munson to acquire some drugs but Vecna placed her under his spell and chased her through an illusion of her home until she reached a dead end. He asked her to not be afraid and promised to make her suffering "end" once and for all, which ended up with him making Chrissy's real body levitate in the air before snapping all of her limbs and crushing her eyes in front of a horrified Eddie. Chrissy's murder led to the formation of Vecna's first gate, part of his plan to merge both worlds. Fred Benson Fred initially looked like a smart and brilliant teenager with an interest in becoming a reporter but soon enough, he became Vecna's second target. The creature forced the boy to experience paranormal hallucinations of the world around him, having a police officer and several people in a funeral calling him a murderer for inadvertently causing the death of one of his friends in a car crash. Eventually, Vecna lured Fred into the road where said crash took place and executed him, allowing his second gate to form in the pavement. Max Mayfield Max was the former stepsister of the Flayed's leader, Billy Hargrove, and Vecna chose her as his final target as a result of her tremendous guilt for being unable to save Billy from being killed by the Mind Flayer. Vecna tormented Max with hallucinations of both her mother and Billy and managed to trap her in his grasp but Max's friends used her favorite music to give her an anchor back to the real world, allowing Max to find the strength to break free and escape back to reality. When Vecna revealed his plan to invade the human world via the curse gates, Max demonstrated courage when she volunteered to bait Vecna into possessing her again. Unfortunately, Vecna managed to corner Max and while he appeared to show a small degree of respect as he complemented her for her bravery, he ultimately deemed her weak like Billy, her friends and the rest of mankind. Vecna wounded Max, snapping most of her limbs; despite Eleven's last minute interference, Max succumbed to her injuries, and her heart stopped; this triggered the creation of his final curse gate, which in turn merged with the other gates to form a gigantic rift between worlds. However, since Max's body was not totally beyond disrepair, Eleven successfully restarted Max's heart and revived her, albeit in a comatose and vulnerable state. Patrick McKinney Patrick became Vecna's third target as part of his plan to merge the Upside Down with Hawkins and the rest of the world, with the boy having been chosen as a result of his fights with his parents, who berated and abused him physically for his alcoholism. The creature caused Patrick to experience terrible headaches and a nosebleed. After failing to execute Max Mayfield, Vecna turned his attention back to Patrick, causing the boy to see the Creel family clock during Chrissy Cunningham's funeral, which meant Patrick did not have much time left. When Patrick and his teammate Jason Carver found and chased Eddie Munson through the Lover's Lake, Vecna struck the killing blow and killed Patrick right before Jason and Eddie's eyes. Patrick's death created Vecna's third gate in the bottom of the lake and convinced Jason more than ever that Eddie and his Hellfire Club were responsible for the murders. Nancy Wheeler Through the hive mind and one of the Demobats, Vecna became aware of Nancy, Steve, Robin and Eddie's presence in the Upside Down. Before Nancy could return through the gate at Eddie's trailer, Vecna chose to possess Nancy; he tormented her by reminding her of her indirect role in Barbara Holland's death. His voice resonating all around her in the mindscape, Vecna told Nancy he knew she had been looking for him, and taunted her for being "so close to the truth". He proceeded to reveal his secret origins through a series of visions, discombulating Nancy as she lived through scattershot points from Henry's past. After cornering Nancy, he asked her to relay to Eleven what he was about to show her: an apocalyptic vision of Hawkins being ripped apart by four gates; "downtown on fire"; hordes of monsters, including "a giant creature with a gaping mouth"; the deaths of her family members, Mike, Holly and Karen. With his warning delivered, Vecna freed Nancy from his thrall. Later, Nancy, Steve and Robin went to the Upside Down's Creel House to attack Vecna's physical form. Despite sustaining grievous physical and mental injuries - both from the teenagers, and through the hive mind - Vecna ultimately escaped, with his plan to invade Hawkins proceeding precisely as he had foreseen.

    *Henry can be seen in a NINA memory in "The Dive".

  3. May 27, 2022 · Vecna’s Origins. In one fell swoop, Stranger Things answered two big questions: who is Vecna, and what happened to One? The answer: theyre one and the same!

  4. Jun 30, 2022 · Here's everything to know about Stranger Things season 4 villain Vecna, played by Jamie Campbell Bower.

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  5. May 27, 2022 · Who is Vecna in Stranger Things season 4? Here's everything you need to know about the show's new monster, including Vecna's powers, origin, and more.

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    • Senior Editor-Movies & TV
  6. Jul 2, 2022 · 'Stranger Things' season 4 finale reveals a massive secret about Vecna, (a.k.a. One, a.k.a. Henry Creel) played by Jamie Campbell Bower, that links back to the beginning of the show.

  7. May 28, 2022 · The finale of Stranger Things 4, Volume 1 unveils big reveals about Vecna, the mysterious One, the Creel house, and Henry Creel, while Eleven makes a huge discovery about her past in the...

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